Chapter Two

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A rhythmic beeping slowly pulls me into wakefulness. 'Uh, why won't mom turn off her....' Then it all comes back. The hooded assassins, the knife, Devon, the nurse. I groan and rub my temples, a headache beating there.

The nurse comes in, smiling at me. "Good. You're awake." Now, I notice her ID, which claims her to be Dr. Barnes. "My name is Julia Barnes. How are you feeling, Jaxon?"

"I-I don't...." I pause, confused. "How do you know my name?"

She opens her mouth, but nothing comes out so she closes it. "It's not my place to....ask Devon." She doesn't say anything else, no matter how much I prod, as she checks my vitals. Then she quickly leaves.

I huff angrily. Devon better have the answers or someone's getting hurt. Eventually, Devon walks in and sits in the visitor's chair. He rubs his hands on his jeans. I try not to stare at him too hard.

"You probably have a lot of questions," he says simply. I nod and he returns it.

"First off, what the hell is going on?!"

He sighs. "That has a very complicated answer."

"Who are you?"

"Cliff-notes version? I work for a....special group. An organization that calls itself  'Arrow.'"

"You mean that terrorist group?"

His eyes flash dangerously. "We're not terrorists. We oppose the government. They're the ones who staged that footage. We try to overthrow them, but we're horribly underfunded." He smirks humourlessly. "And our faces are posted everywhere."

He looks me in the eyes seriously. "Jaxon, you were once one of us."

I blink. "What? Me? You must be joking. I've been living with my parents my whole life. I would've known if I'd been a part of a secret organization."

"That's the thing, they took your memories and replaced them. They brainwashed you, Jaxon."

"But they-they felt so...."

"Real? Yeah, the ministry is good at that. Your parents died when you were young." He pulls out a photo and hands it to me. It shows a blond-haired, middle-aged woman next to a black-haired, middle-aged man. In front of them is a younger Jaxon and a blond-haired girl.

"I-I have a sister?"

Devon looks pained. "Yeah, a twin."

"Where is she?"

His expression worsens. "We don't know. When the ministry killed your parents, she disappeared. We haven't been able to find her, not for lack of trying. We've tried, but...she's just...I'm sorry, but..."

Unconsciously, I place my hand over his. "Don't worry about it. We won't stop until we find her."

He stares at our hands. I feel my cheeks heat as I pull mine away. He gazes at me intently. It makes me uncomfortable.


"Yeah. If they did kill my parents, I want revenge. Also, they messed with my head and my memories. Besides, I was already a member. We'll just call this a....sabbatical."

He keeps staring at me. His expression is unreadable. I try not to blush or fidget under his intense dark chocolate gaze. I want to curl my fingers in his hair and drag his lips to mine. I want to plunder his mouth with my tongue and.... I shake my thoughts off, blushing even more.

Devon smiles. "Why do you blush so much?"

"What?" I'm distracted by the movement of his lips.

"Do I make you nervous?"

"N-no. Of course...not. Why-why do you ask?"

"You were always a terrible liar, Jax."

"What...did you call me?" I don't realize how close he is to me until now. If I lean forward one small inch, our lips will touch. I wish he'll lean forward. To close that tiny gap.

Dr. Barnes walks in and freezes. She scoffs. "What do you think you're doing riling up my patient, Devon?" We jump apart. Devon rubs his neck sheepishly. "Don't let me catch you skulking around again. I don't want to call a guard again."

"Sorry, Julia." He swiftly departs. I inwardly curse myself. 'He was just toying with me! He probably isn't even gay, he just saw my reaction to him!'

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