Chapter Twenty

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I slowly open my eyes to a stark whiteness. The color is almost blinding. I look around, only vaguely realizing I'm in a hospital. Next to me, in a visitor's chair, is a guy with dark brown hair.

His eyes open and I see they're the color of dark chocolate. He blinks at me. Then his eyes widen. He quickly stands and rushes to me.

"Julia!" the man calls. "He's awake!"

A black-haired woman in scrubs rushes in. "Jaxon. How're you feeling?"

I look at them, confused. "Who are you? Where am I?"

The man cooks his head. "Are you ok, Jax?"

"Is that my name? Why am I in a hospital? Why does my back hurt?" I stare at them, begging for answers. The man glances at the woman and, with a pained expression, he leaves.

"Devon!" the woman calls. He doesn't come back.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"Hm?" She turns to me with a worried look on her face. "No. It's...complicated. So, you don't remember anything?"

"No. It's all a huge blank. I feel like I should know a lot more than I do."

"Don't worry, it'll come back to you. After the trauma you went through, it's no wonder you don't remember."

"Trauma? Was I in an accident?"

"You could say that."

"What happened?"

"I'll tell you later. Right now, you need sleep. Being in a coma as long as you were is hard on the body."


She winces. "Just go to sleep. I'll come by later to check on you." She pats my knee and departs. My mind is racing. What happened to me? Why don't I even remember my own name?


The next morning, I awake in the throes of a nightmare. As soon as my consciousness takes over, I forget what it was about. I shake it off and yawn.

I overhear voices. It sounds like that nurse, Julia and the man she called 'Devon.'

"I can't believe this," he says.

"Devon, calm down."

"After everything, he just forgets!"

"At least he's still alive."

"I know, but...why?"

"I don't know, Devon."

"Why did he have to forget again, Julia?"

"I don't know. I don't have any experience with miracles."

"Why couldn't we just be happy?" There's a loud sound, as if he flopped into a chair. "We got so close this time, Julia."

"I know," she says calmly. "You still have a chance. This may not be permanent. He may remember again." I wonder what that means. Had I lost my memories before?

"This is worse than before, Julia. For God's sake, he doesn't even remember his own name!"

"Don't lose hope, Devon. Be more like Jaxon."

Devon chuckles. "The only one who can be like Jax is Jax."

"True enough. Let's go check on him." They walk in. "Oh. Good, you're awake." She checks my vitals.

"How do I get my memories back?"

"They might come back eventually."


She sighs. "I don't have any experience with this. I'm not psychiatrist." I frown. What if my memories never come back? She studies my face and sighs again. "I have a friend who's an expert in hypnotherapy. I could take you to see him, it might help."

Overexcited, I hug her tightly. "Thanks, Julia!" Devon looks away, as if uncomfortable. Did me and her have a thing? I wonder.

She pulls back, laughing. "Don't worry about it. I'll talk to him tonight. For now, you just rest and heal up. I have to warn you, though." Her face turns serious.

"What is it?"

"Hypnotherapy comes with some risks."

"Like what?"

"If it causes you to remember everything at once, it could drive you clinically insane. Also, since your memories were replaced at one point, it's possible you might remember only the false ones. Third," she pauses, "you could possibly lose all your memories, including speech."

"It sounds extremely dangerous," Devon comments.

"These are rare occurrences, but they can happen. The worst of all," she holds my gaze, "you could never return from hypnosis."

"What does that mean?"

"It means, anything someone told you to do, you'd do without question."

"So...if someone told me to jump off a bridge..."

"You'd do it. You'd have no will of your own."

"Julia, this sounds too dangerous..." Devon starts.

"I'll do it." Devon turns to me, shocked. "Look at me. I'm no better than any of those right now. I know nothing about myself and who I am. I need to know. If there's a chance I can regain my memories, I have to try."

"All right, then I'll talk to him. Just rest, Jaxon." She exits.

Devon turns to me. " careful, please."

"I will." He looks like he wants to say more. "Hey, did Julia and I...have a thing?"

Devon looks pained. "Well...uh...just wait until you remember," he replies, voice rough. Then he dashes out.

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