Chapter Ten

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We go in, guns drawn and ready to fire. The place is a house, nothing special about it. It's the perfect place to hide someone. The guards are easy to incapacitate, though they seem to have been nearing the end of their shift. We search each room thoroughly.

When we reach the bedroom, I find a woman asleep on the four-poster bed. I stare at her. 'She's so old now! The only memories I have of her are from childhood.'

"Jaxon, hurry up," Devon calls from the hallway. I snap out of my daze and go to shake Lisbeth awake.

Her eyes snap open. "Who are you?" She sits up quickly and scoots away from me.

"Relax, Lisbeth. I'm not going to hurt you."

Her eyes widen and she slowly crawls forward. "Jaxon?"

I nod then smile. "Hey, little sis."

She touches my cheek. "It's really you. I never thought I'd see you again."

"Me either. Now let's..." The sound of fighting draws my attention to the hallway. "Stay here. I'll be right back."

The sight that greets me freezes me in place. Devon is on the ground, unconscious and bleeding. Dylan stands over him, a knife clenched in his fist and a dead look in his eyes.

"No!" I yell.  Dylan turns to me almost robotically. He says nothing as he advances on me. His fist whips at me so fast, it takes a second to register the pain in my jaw. A kick to my chest sends me flying.

"Jaxon!" Lisbeth comes rushing to my aid.

"No!" It's too late. She falls, unconscious. I get up and, despite the pain in my chest, send a flying kick into Dylan. He falls but gets back up. My heart is bleeding; I don't want to hurt him, but he'll kill me.

Another punch to the face has me seeing stars. His kicks are savage, while my punches are weak. Hesitantly, I pull my gun. Before I get a shot off, Dylan grabs my wrist. He brings his leg up and hits my elbow, shattering it. With a scream of agony, I drop my pistol.

I cradle mg right arm to my chest. Dylan brings the knife down and I can't dodge it completely. It rips a gash into my side as I roll away. My injuries are slowing me down and my vision is going black. Dylan grabs my shirt collar and place the blade to my throat.

Tears run down my face. "Dylan, stop. Please! You're stronger than them!"

Something flashes in his eyes. He presses the metal harder to my throat.

"Dylan. Remember...remember what you told me? That you'd die for me?" There's no response. "Well, you wanted to die FOR me, not BE the death of me."

His hand begins shaking. I press further. "Come on, Dylan. You're stronger than them! Don't let them win!" The flash returns, but stays longer this time.

"You told me you loved me. Were you lying? Damn it, Dylan, wake up!" His eyes finally show Dylan rather than nothing.

"Jaxon?" His eyes widen when he realizes what he's done. "Oh, god. Jaxon, I'm sorry." He drops me and I wince.

"Don't worry about that. Are you here now?"

He looks around and grins. "You finally found her, huh?"

"Yeah." I carefully stand up. He cries out, falls to his knees, and grabs his head. "Dylan?!"

"They' take...control...again. Get...out...of here." Before I can respond, his hand is around my throat and his eyes are-once again-dead. As I'm choking, his eyes flicker back to life and he releases me.

"I can't...keep control. They'll just...keep trying. There's thing...I can do." He cups my cheek and kisses my forehead.

"I love you, Jaxon Cooke." Then he picks up the knife and slits his own throat. The warm liquid sprays my face. I scream, pressing my hand on his neck to try and stop the bleeding.

I don't realize that Devon's awake and trying to comfort me. I don't feel the tears streaking my face and mixing with Dylan's blood. All I can register is his life slipping away. And I'm helpless to stop it.

"NO!" I scream. "NO!"

"Jax. Think about your sister. Do you want to lose her, too?" I snap out of my shock and wake her up.

I glance at Dylan's body. "We can't leave him here."


"We CAN'T leave him here."

Devon sighs, but nods. "I've got him."

I swallow hard. "Thank you." Devon picks up Dylan's body in a fireman's carry and follows me outside. He puts Dylan's body in the trunk.

"This will not be good if we get pulled over," Devon mumbles. "'No, officer. He killed himself. We're just really into necrophilia.'"

I scrunch my face in disgust. "Devon, that's gross." He mutters an apology before hopping in the passenger seat. Lisbeth is in the back.

"Jaxon..." Devon begins, "why are you driving?"

"Because I want to."

"We're definitely getting pulled over."

"Was I really that bad?"

"You drove like a drunk who was high on 'shrooms."

I chuckle. "Yeah, well, not anymore."

"Hallelujah. Another good thing. Remind me to thank the ministry."

"Um, what are you two talking about?" Lis says from the back.

I glance in the rearview mirror at her. "It's a very long story."

"We've got time." So, I explain it to her. "So, you don't remember me. and dad?"

"I remember some, but there are pieces missing." I have my window down and, as we drive by a bakery, a scent sends me into a memory.

'I run through the backyard with Lis. When we smell something, we freeze and sniff the air. We turn to each other and grin.

'"Pie!" we shout, racing each other to the door. I arrive first and find mom beaming at us with a freshly baked apple pie on the table.'

The memory fast-forwards.

'Now I'm sitting in the living room. Five men hold guns to us. Dad is severely beaten, as well as mom. The scent of burnt pie coats the air. Suddenly, mom and dad leap at our captors, distracting them.

'"Run!" mom screams. I grab Lisbeth's hand and bolt out the door. My heart is beating out of my chest in fear. Lis trips. I go to help her, but she gets captured.

'"Run, Jax! Run!" She struggles in the man's grip.

'"Lissy!" I yell as she's carried away. With my grief showing in my tears and my fear showing in my racing heart, I bolt away from the only family I ever had.'

I jerk back to the present, breathing rapidly and sweating profusely. The car is on the side of the road, parked. Devon is yelling and shaking me.

"Jaxon!" I blink at him and wipe sweat from my forehead. "Are you back now?"

"Yeah," I shakily reply. My breathing starts to even out.

"What the hell was that?!"

"A memory," I breathe. "Well, more like a couple of memories." So I tell them. I rub my eyes, fighting off the tears. " that really how it happened?"

"Yes," Lis whispers.

"God. That's horrible." There's nothing but silence as I pull back onto the road.

"I'm glad you found me," Lis whispers.

"Me too, sis."

"What are you going to do now that you've found her?" Devon wonders.

"I-I don't know. I never thought I'd get this far." I shrug. "I guess I'll keep fighting them. This will never be over until every last one of them is caught."

"I don't think it'll ever be over."

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