First Day.

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"Bye mommy, I love you!" I called as my mom dropped me off at school.

"Love you too! Now hurry! You'll be late!" she called.

I sighed and slung my backpack over my shoulder, and sighed. Another day of dealing with people. Just what I need. More stress. I walked through the double doors, and to y locker, putting in the combo. I unlocked it and my best friend came over, tazering me. I jumped, and my book fell onto the floor. I grumbled and picked it up, shooting her daggers.

"Jesus Jennie! Don't do that!" I exclaimed in mock-anger.

She just smiled and hugged me, "Good luck today in drama, I hope you enjoy it, and I heard a rumor goig around that five new boys came to our school today, all in 12th! This is awesome! Maybe you find your guy! Just don't be shy, ok? I gotta go, I'll see you later. Have fun Lyssa!"

I frowned. 12th grade cant be any worse than this! Like come on! Well, I'm graduating this year, and then, Jennie and I are gonna find an apartment to live in. That should be awesome! I saw my other gorgeous best friend Selena running down the hallway.

"Lyssa!" she said, "Your not gonna believe this!"

"What is it Selena?" I asked as we walked to Homeroom.

"He's back." she said.

"Who?" I asked.

"Styles. And he has got 4 more to follow him." she frowned.

"Are you fucking shitting me?!" I growled.

"I'm sorry. I'll stand by you no matter what." she smiled.

I sighed and nodded walking into homeroom, seeing him sitting there with two other boys. Here we go. He saw me and nodded to the two boys. I frowned and glanced at Selena.

"It's been two years and he's still at it. I hate him. He fucking stole my innocence Selena." I said tearing up, "I have a kid because of him!"

"Shhh." she cooed, "Your little girl is the happiest one year old I know. She's turning two next week and your turning 18. You'll be able to move out of your parent's soon enough, just give it time. Oh and I'm coming over to see Lexi after school."

"Ok." I said.

My phone went off in my pocket and I looked at it.

Come outside, you need to take Alexis, I need to work.

My mom sent me.

Be right out mommy.

I sighed and looked at Mrs. Regan, "I have to go get Lexi Mrs. Regan."

"Ok, I can't wait to see her!" she exclaimed.

All my teachers know I have a baby. They are so supportive, and I love that. I walked out, and Jen was by my side.

"Your mom said Lexi is coming to school today?" she grinned.

I nodded and went out to the car, picking up my baby girl. I smiled gratefully at her and we said out goodbyes. I kissed Lexi's forehead and went back inside, running into the superintendent.

"Goodmorning Miss Moore, goodmorning Lexi." he girnned waving at her.

She smiled and waved back, and we made our way back to my homeroom. Lexi squeeze Jennie and smiled.

"Bye-bye Aunt Jennie." she said.

I smiled and we walked back into homeroom, hand in hand. He face lit up when she saw Selena and Miss Regan.

"Auntie Selena!!!!" she grinned.

"Lexi baby!" Selena grinned back.

I giggled at their 'moment'.

"Hi Misses Wegan!" she enthused.

"Well hello Miss Alexis!" Mrs. Regan smiled back.

I giggled and went to my seat, pulling a toy out of Lexi's bag and a pacifier. She took the toy and I put the binky I her mouth. She smiled cheekily at me and played. I giggled at her and she giggled back. Soon the bell rang and I looked at her.

"Uppy Mommy!" she giggled.

I shook my head smiling and picked her up, "Alexis Marie Styles-Moore, you are a handful and a half. Ready to go see Miss Walters?"

"Yes mommy!" she smiled.

I giggled and we walked out of the classroom and off to the auditorium. Harry came up to me and I sighed.

"Did that kid just call you mommy?" he asked.

I nodded.

"You have a kid? Since when?!" he asked.

"I'm almost two years old mistaw." she told him.

I sighed and pushed past him. I grumbled and walked a little ways down the hallway when I looked at her.

"Lexi, you know the boy you just talked to?" I asked her.

"Yes mommy." she said.

"Well sweetheart, that's your daddy, he didn't love us enough to stick around. He just walked straight out of our lives. I don't want you talking to him, understand me?" I asked nicely explaining to her.

"Ok mommy." she said giggling at me.

I chuckled with her and we came to the auditorium,  and I set her down. We walked in together, hand in hand, and went up to Miss Walters, Lexi hugging her leg. She smiled and hugged my baby back. We listened to her ramble on and I perked up when she said,

"Class, we are doing a project on Romeo and Juliet!"

I grinned ear to ear and looked over and noticed a blonde haired boy walking towards me. I looked confused and picked Lexi up and she kissed my nose. I scrunched it up and smiled at her.

"Silly baby." I giggled.

"Hi, I'm Niall, Niall Horan." he smiled.

"I'm Alyssa, Alyssa Moore." I smiled back.

"Ik, your a great mum and your baby is really cute." he said.

"Awh thanks, your nice." I replied.

"I'm new here." he said.

My eyes went wide, "Did Harry send you over here?" I growled.

"Woah, no, you looked lonely so I came over. Can I ask you something?" he said.

"Ok.. and you just did!" I replied.

"Can I hang out with you? And uh, get away from Harry? He kinda bullies me.." he said in all seriousness.

"Uh, I guess.." I said.

The bell rang and I took Lexi's hand, Niall taking the other, and we walked out of the auditorium.

"What class do you have next?" I asked.

"Math. And you?" he asked.

"Same." I said.

"Uppy Niall!" Lexi smiled.

Niall chuckled and picked her up. I smiled at her and suddenly I was slammed against the wall.

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