Whats with the jokes?

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We were making the icing for the cake when the one and one only Mark Tuan decided to started eating it. "Yah leave some for the cake" I scolded him. He pouted and put some icing on my nose. "Yah!" I grabbed a hand full and smeared it on his face. He stood still and I giggled. He blew off some icing that was in his hair. He grinned then wiped the spatula on my face. I puffed up my cheeks "you asked for it!" I grabbed the bowl and grabbed another handful and throwing it straight at him. I squealed and ran away into the living room. Well this fight took about half an hour and remaking the icing was tiring. "It's going to be so hard to wash this out" I complained. "Just forget about that and Ice the cake" he messed up my hair more. I finished and iced the cake and looked at my art. I was very proud. "You kept pushing me away! Every time I tried to get close you would push my face away!" Mark pouted. He leaned closer, my face started heating up. "What am I to you?" He whispered. I stared at him getting serious "A....pillow" I said intensely. He didn't say anything, he looked at me in disbelief, he just stayed there processing what just happened. "Just kidding" I poked his nose and grabbed the cake and smushed it in his face. "Cake Fight!!!" I yelled. He laughed and grabbed the cake throwing bits at me, I grabbed it again and was prepared to slap him "come on slap me! Do it!" He dared me while giggling. "I would but that would be animal abuse" I said. "Did you just call me an animal" he walked towards me. "I pretty sure I did" I laughed then slapped him with the cake anyway. He chuckled and wiped the icing off his face and smeared in mine. He walked up slowly up to me and grabbed my waist. "I want to taste the cake" he smirked . He licked my cheek and licked the icing I from my face. He tasted the cake that resting on my neck. He kissed my neck, going back up again and pushed into my lips. He sucked my neck and bit the bottom of my lips. I ruffled his hair with my hands. "Haru" he mumbled Into my mouth. I smiled against his lips, I could feel his lips smile back. Our lips moved in sync. "Ahem" we heard a cough. My head jolted from the voice. "J-Jinyoung!" I squeaked. "Well well what do we have here?" Jackson cooed. " well it just ugly here" I stuck my tongue at him. "Why?" Jackson asked. "Because your here" I glared at Jackson. "Well excuse me!" He snapped like a deva. "What's with the jokes?" JB laughed. "Because you guys ruined our moment" Mark patted my head while I hid my face in his chest. "You guys are a mess, go wash up while we clean the kitchen" Younjae shooed us. "You can go first" Mark pinched my cheeks. "You squishy dumpling" he smiled at me.
Time skip
I walked out if the room hearing turn on. I was drying my hair with a towel. "It was so hard to wash off the icing" I sighed. "Then you shouldn't of started the fight" BamBam smirked. "I didn't Mark did" I glared at BamBam. "Don't forget the cake is delicious! Your cooking is still good as ever!!" Asina stuffed her mouth. "Where is Melody?" I looked around the room. "She went back to Australia" Jimin slung his arm over my shoulders. "Mmmmmm" I answered. "Hands off" I heard a husky voice behind us. Mark was standing there wiping his hair. "What if I don't want to?" Jimin said annoyed. "Look I'm not going I be in the middle of your cat fight" I sighed walking to sit next to Asina. "Oh wait!" Mark grabbed my wrist and stared straight into my eyes. "Um...I couldn't give this to you on Christmas" he handed me a little box. It was a bracelet, it had MxH carved into it. I admired it, "it's beautiful"I smiled softly. He took it and carefully put it on my wrist. "Never take this off" he smiled holding his wrist up, it was a matching bracelet. I hugged him, being welcomed by the fresh smell and warm hugg. I pushed him on the couch and sat beside him resting my head on his shoulder "I told you were my pillow" I teased him. "I'm going to take a shower" Asina sat up and walked away. Mark laid down with the extra space and made me fall on top of him. I started to get drowsy. "Hey we are here too!" Yugyeom covered his eyes. "Then we will ignore you guys" Mark smirked. "Well this is way to lovey dovy  so we will get going" Rapmon walked out with the others. "Oh and Mark you going to have a shoot with a female model for a magazine" JB said. "Mmmm ok...." He mumbled. "She has to stay here though" JB bit his lip. "Well I'm going to be sleeping in the same bed with Haru" Mark hugged me tighter. "Eh?!?!?" I poked up my head. I heard him chuckle "it is not the first time, remember the hospital?" He smirked. I pouted but he just arms haut tightened and he put is face in my hair. "When she is coming?" I said in defeat. "Today" Younjae sounded nervous. There was a knock in the door. "Go get it BAmBam" Mark say not bothering to get up. "Why?" BamBam refused. "Because I want to show her I already belong to someone" he pulled me closer to his chest. "You so cheesy" I giggled. "Um hi is this Got7's dorm? Where is Mark? My name is Elizabeth" I heard a soft a voice. "He is over there resting on the couch" JInyoung showed her. "Mark Elizabeth is here" Jackson pushed him. "I don't want to get up!! You never know Haru might never let me do this again" Mark lifted up his head. "Haru?" Elizabeth asked. "Yea my girlfriend" Mark answered sitting up bringing me in his lap. "Hi my name is Haru Kim" I stuck out my hand. "Oh...hi I'm Elizabeth" she shook my hand. "I have a sister who is taking a shower her name is Asina" I smiled the best I could. "Ok" Elizabeth smiled. "Oh! Let me show you your room and let me help you with the luggages" I grabbed her suitcase. "I told you once I let go I her she tries to run!!" Mark whined. "You said your never let her run" Jackson laughed. I giggled a bit and showed Elizabeth her room. "Where are you going to sleep" Elizabeth asked worriedly. "Well my sister is taking the other bed so I'm not sure" i was in deep thought "she is sleeping with me" Mark pulled me into a hug. "Oh ok" Elizabeth smiled.
"We need to go for the filming" I waved to Elizabeth. "Can I come" she asked. I nodded and she followed us like a little duckling. "Oh Haru glad you got your memory back! How is your arm?" The director smiled warmly. "It's fine thank you" I smiled back. "You lost your memory? I don't want this ask this but what happened?" Elizabeth asked like a little puppy. "I was in a car accident" I drowned at the thought. "Sorry for asking" Elizabeth's smile turned into a sad expression. "No it's ok" I patted her head. "Oh by the way Haru you havering a broken arm is perfect! Remember in the script your supposed to have a broken a and this is what motives Mark to take care of you and have your first kiss that is actually full of love but you got confused" the director looked at the script. "Yea" I looked at the script. "Guess better get on set" I smiled at her.

I came to school with a broken arm looking lazily. "How dare you treat Mark oppa like that?!?!?" A bully appeared in front of me. I waked passed like her completely ignoring her. I was  tying so hard not to smile because I don't want to make this a blooper.
Times skip
It was the taking care scene at my house. "Say ahhh" Mark brought a spoonful of porridge to my face. "I'm not sick, I have a broken arm" I said annoyed. He came up and put hi forehead on mine. He closed his eyes while I kept my widened like I was surprised. If course I wasn't actually surprised but I was blushing, even though he is my boyfriend I still get so red even after all that. "You have a slight cold" he huffed. "Now eat" he stuffed it in my mouth. "Hdjdushgsh" I muffled my words. "Aish you talk to much" he ruffled his hair with his hand. "I don't want to eat anymore" that was supposed to ruin my appetite. But to be honest I want Mark to feed me more. But I have to stay in chatacter. "Fine I'll make you eat it" he put a spoonful in his mouth and leaned over me kissing me. I was supposed feel love instead I disgust. But Every time he kisses me it is never disgusting. But I kind if feel like a baby penquin, you know because it is mouth to mouth feeding. I was supposed to fight back. I grabbed onto his arm trying to pull him off. But he had to much strength. He slid his hand behind my head. He entered his tongue in my mouth exploring every inch....wait this isn't in the script!! "CUT!!!!!perfect guys!!!! That it for today" Mark let go if me smirking. "You...." I glared at him. "What is it wrong to kiss my girlfriend passionately?" He whispered in my ear. I shuddered with his hot breath. He held my hand while we walked out if the set. "Aish!" I playfully hit his arm. "Sorry sorry" he chuckled. "What happened" Jinyoung asked. "Mark!....." I soused down when I found it embarrassing to tell him. "Mark what?" Jinyoung asked "I kissed her very very passionately" he licked his lips. "Mark!" Jinyoung raised his voice."what she is my girlfriend" he grabbed me by the waist and brought me to his side. I felt safe in his arms.
Please never leave me Mark Tuan.

Hey guys how did you think of that chapter? I worked very hard on. Oh and thank you for the reads!!

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