Worst memories

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One year later
Today was my birthday and I was excited what Mark was going to get me. I squealed in excitement. I saw the boys started to put on their shoes "where you going" I asked curiously. Maybe they are getting me a present. "None of your business" Marks said coldy. He is putting up an act I think. "Well I jut wanted I know" I pouted. "To Janet's house" BamBam sighed. My heart dropped immediately drop. "W-why don't you stay with me? Come one" I nagged. "You wanna know why?! Because I need to be away from you! Because when I needed confidence from you at the photo shoot you weren't there! Instead of my girlfriend  a good friend helped me!!! Do you know how I felt?!" He yelled I took a step back front he sudden anger. "I'm sorry" I whispered. "If sorry was enough there wouldn't be police" he glared at me. Shit I messed up. He walked out without looking back nor the others. I looked down at my feet. "D-did he forget?" "Well...he is busy maybe he did...I'll apologize when it's our anniversary tommorw" I looked at my feet. He didn't forget last year...he was happy....I even invited Janet over last year. Elizabeth walked in the room and sat next to me "Mark was really frustrated when you didn't come that day or rather you left. Can you tell me why you left and never went back to the photo shoot?" She asked. "Because it hurt seeing them that close, seeing them as a perfect couple...he even took off his bracelet" I cried. "He didn't even remember my brithday" I whimpered. "Oh yea...it's your birthday today and anniversary tommrow" Elizabeth patted my back. "Sorry I can't be with you, my friend are hanging out" she looked guilty. "You go ahead I won't hold you back" I smiled weakly. "Yea...promise not to do anything" she yelled when she exited. I took my phone from my pocket. Happy birthday Haru!!! Sorry I can't be there!!! Bet u having fun. >_>
Form your dear and awesome sis Asina
I smiled at her message. I frowned when when the notification came up "your birthday" . I texted Mark "wen r u coming back"
No answer.
"Answer me"
No answer
"Your ruining my day stop texting me"
He answered.
"I'm ruining his day" I tear slid down my cheek.
"Just tell me wen your going to be back"
I typed
He is sleeping over?!
"Your sleeping over?!" I quickly texted.
"But you have girlfriend!!" I sped through my typing
"So what?" He answered.
My heart felt like it was being dragged down by an anchor. I scrolled threw my contacts seeing who I can spill everything to, cry and has no worries. I stopped at the very bottom. "Mom and dad" ....they are gone...because I couldn't save them. I'm loosing Mark because I wasn't there for him. It's all my fault. Asina's dissapearence was my fault. Mark having this pain was my fault. If I wasn't alive....Mark will be still living his every day life with Melody...happy.......without me...I threw my phone on the ground stepping on it, breaking it, loosing everything. I looked in the fridge and saw a cake that I bought for our anniversary. I slammed the door and slid down the fridge door crying my heart out. "Why can't I just die?!" .....I just want to sleep forever and ever and never wake up. Maybe I can make myself go to sleep. I banged my head against the corner of the counter. I screamed in pain falling onto the ground. My vision began to become blurry "it's working" is the last thing I remember saying.
I woke up with 7 people surrounding me. "Haru are you all right?!" Elizabeth helped me. Mark is missing....he really so stung over night. "Yea thanks" I looked blankly into Jinyoung's eyes. "What's wrong Haru?"he asked waving jus hand in front of my eyes..."n-nothing" I stuttered. I stood up and feel right back down crying, I couldn't stop, they just kept pouring out. "I just want to go to bed" I managed to say. Jackson helped me to the room and let me lay down my head on the pillow. The pain was unbearable but I just laid down there waiting for my world to end. "Mom and dad are gone...now Mark is being taken away" I screamed and covered my self "it's all my fault" I repeated. "Haru! Calm down!" Yugyeom ran to me. "Can you stay until I fall asleep?" I asked weakly. "Yea sure" he said as he wiped my tears.

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