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I sniffled and felt empty inside, all I wondered is why? I didn't feel like getting up at all. Am I depressed? Probably. I lazily got up and scratched my head. I didn't even want to change out if my pjs. I went to the fridge putting the cake out hoping that me and Mark could celebrate. But it didn't look that was going to happen, it was already 6:50 pm. I slept for like 12 hours or even more. I took out a knife to cut the cake later. I was about to set it down the knife when I glanced at the shininess of it.  I saw my reflection in it, my hair was messy. I looked terrible,
"Come on slap me! I dare you!" He giggled. "I would but that would be animal abuse" I smiled. "Did you just call me an animal" he questioned. "Pretty sure I did" I smiled.
End of flashback
"Those happy memories stopped because if me" I cried tears sliding down my cheek into the knife.  My hands started to tremble, I fell down in my but. My legs were numb...nobody around me...they are gone...Mark with another girl...kissing...the others hanging out.. They don't need me...I'm forgotten...something forgotten doesn't need to exist. I pointed the sharp edge of the knife towards my chest. "I don't want to die" I cried. The knife came closer, my hands trembling. I put both hands on the handle, "they don't need you Haru just do it" I pressured myself. "HARU WHAT ARE  YOU DOING?!?!?!?" I jumped and dropped the knife making it clang against the floor. My hands started to shake. Tears built up and streamed down my face. "I-I" I couldn't speak, not to this person. "HARU, TELL ME" he gripped my arms and shook my arms. "M-Mark" I stuttered. I was so afraid I didn't know what was going on. "S-shouldn't y-you be w-with Janet?" That sentence made tears continue falling. "Tell me what you were doing" he looked into my eyes burning my soul. "Committing suiside away from his eyes. "What why!?" He made me stand up. "Isn't it obvious? Mom, dad, Asina, you, everyone is leaving me....forgetting about me...I'm forgotten".I got loose from his grip walking backwards slowly looking at his expression. I turn away.
Mark pov
I walk in the house ruffling my hair. I see Haru on the ground, she was holding something her hands. Her hair was a mess, I couldn't see her face. Her hair was glittering in the sunlight. I walked closer I her and saw what she was holding. "HARU WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!?" I yelled. It looks like I surprised her beside she immediately jumped and dropped the item.  Her eyes were puffy and red, tears started to fall down. I looked at her hands, she is shaking. "I-I" she tried to speak. "HARU TELL ME" I stared at her. "M-Mark" she stuttered again. "S-shouldn't you be with Janet?" She said with more tears streaming down her face. I made her this way? I calmed myself down and asked again "tell me what were you doing?" "Committing suiside" she looked into my eyes. We eyes were blank, they looked so sad. "What why?!" I grabbed her arms making her stand up." Isn't it obvious? Mom, dad, Asina, you, everyone is leaving me....forgetting about me...I'm forgotten" she loosened from my grip, she walked slowly backwards and turned away slamming the door behind her. I groaned out if frustration and picked up the knife. It had tears on it. I put on the table and noticed a cake. I open eye kid and read the text "Happy anniversary!!!" For Mark and Haru" the cake said. I panicked and looked at the calendar. "Yesterday was Haru's is our anniversary" I mumbled. "I missed Haru's birthday" I looked at the cake.."I went to a woman's house on my girlfriend's birthday" I grunted. I walked towards our bedroom and knocked softly. I could hear her muffle cries. "Haru I-I understand why you...but tell me why you didn't come to the photoshoots" I begged. "You took off your looked so happy with hurts to see her so well with you" a soft voice appeared on the other side if this door. I couldn't take this anymore, I opened the door revealing Haru. She took a step back but I stopped her by grabbing her waist and pulling her in for a hug. "I'm sorry" I whispered. She didn't have any reaction "you can cry in my shoulder because now I'm here...I'm here" I said in the sweetest voice I could. She started to tremble. I felt her tears on my clothing. She sobbed onto my shoulder. "You are never ever forgotten"

" Never Ever" got7 new album!!!!
Did u see what I did there tho?

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