Title 3: F***ing Liar

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~Published March 19, 2017~

Beeping, again with the fucking beeping. This is becoming an unwanted habit. Temporarily forgetting where I was resulted in me almost rolling off the chairs I was laying on. The beeping was coming from the hospital staff's pagers. Opening my eyes I saw Lip's face staring straight ahead at the waiting room wall. I must have fallen asleep on his lap last night. His arm was securing my upper body in place.  Feeling a bit embarrassed I sat up while stretching my arms out in front of me. Leaning back I looked around and noticed that everyone was still here from the night before. Except for Fiona, flashes of her being handcuffed and taken away flashed by my eyes. I wonder how she is going to get out of this mess? Looking at Lip he still had this stone cold face that has been there since last night.

"Hey Lip?" I softly tried to get his attention.

"Hm?" He mumbled but still didn't glance at me.

"Thanks for letting me sleep on you."

His knee was bobbing up and down. His attention was now on the double doors waiting for the doctor to come out, "Yeah, don't sweat it."

Looking over Kev was sitting a chair away from Lip. Debbie had her head on V's lap while V was playing with her curls. Carl was slouched on the opposite side of the girls, staying very quiet.

"Have we heard anything about Liam yet?" I fished around my purse in search of my phone.

Kev groaned, "No, nobody has even bothered to let us know if he is okay."

Typical of hospitals never doing their job properly. This is why I avoid them at all cost. Finally finding my phone I hit the home button. I couldn't believe it was four in the morning already. Of course I haven't received any messages from Ian letting me know if he made it home safe. I must have sent a dozen text messages explaining what has happen. I muttered a few curse words under my breath annoyed with the stubborn man.

"Fiona Gallagher?" A woman in her mid thirties walked out in a white lab coat.

Lip was the first one to stand up the rest of us followed, "Phillip Gallagher."

"Is Fiona here?" You could hear the frustration already building up in her tone.

"I'm the brother." His frustration matched the doctors.

"Will she be back?" She eyed him up and down

"No not anytime soon. "

There was slight pity in her eyes while she took in the sadden family standing before her, "Is there another parent or legal guardian around?"

"No, is Liam going to be okay?"

"I'm sorry but in order for me to release any information on your brother. I need to speak with someone who is a parent or legal guar-"

"Look, my mother is a bi-polar drug accident who split years ago and my dad is a drunk. Fiona just got hauled off to jail. So I am the closet person here considered a responsible adult." Lip cut the doctor off and he was fuming.

"Lip, relax." I whispered to him and grabbed his forearm.

The doctor gave him a serious look but it faded away, "Your brother came in with a acute cocaine toxicity. Disoriented, hallucinating,  and with a dangerously elevated heart rate. He is on Naloxone for his current mental status and benzodizephine to control his seizures." 

"Seizures?" Debbie asked while hugging herself tighter.

The doctor nodded, "We are monitoring his temperature and glucose levels. As of now he is stable."

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