Title 8: Gallavich

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~Published April 16, 2017~

It was nine in the morning and I was getting off the L with my hands buried in my pockets. Being that it was cold outside with snow on the ground. I had my black hoodie, black and white stripped scarf, and my favorite grey slouchie beanie. Currently jogging down the stairs while lighting up a cigarette I was making my way to go join Danny for breakfast. She mentioned a small restaurant that was slightly hidden around the block. Supposedly it had the best Belgium waffles. She wanted to meet with me to catch up and have girl time. Our friendship was something I still needed to get use to. We would text back and forth, here and there. She is really cool and I want to introduce her to Ian but for now that has to wait. I made it away from the train station and could see the restaurant's name shining bright with it's golden letters, The Golden Apple. I flicked the rest of my smoke to the ground not before stepping on it. I grabbed the front door and stepped inside. The warmth quickly spread through my hands and down to my toes. Looking around I finally spotted her in a booth towards the back of the restaurant. She was waving me back and my feet moved straight to her. I watched her get up as her grey hair fell over her shoulders. She was in some blue scrubs which I'm assuming she either just got out of work or was heading there.

"You made it!" She hugged me and then sat back down.

"Yeah, this place wasn't that hard to find." I took my scarf and beanie off as I tossed it on the red booth beside me.

She adjusted herself and scooted towards the middle of the booth, "Okay that's good. I'm glad." She pushed a coffee cup towards me as I finally sat down, "Here I ordered you a coffee while I waited. I figured with the weather you needed it."

"Thank you." I grabbed the cup and started to put sugar and creamer, "You are in your work clothes. Are you going after breakfast?"

"Oh no. I just finished a night shift. Afterwards I'm planning on going home and sleep." She said as she was mindlessly stirring her drink.

A middle aged woman walked up to us with a note pad in hand, "Welcome friends. First time or have you been here before?"

Danny's eyes lit up, "I have but my friend here hasn't. I told her about your waffles and how she must try them."

The lady's didn't matched her enthusiasm but she didn't seem bothered either, "Oh well welcome. Yes, we have a special this morning that includes two Belgium waffles, your choice of bacon or ham, and two eggs."

"I will have that with bacon and the eggs scrambled." I handed her the menu that I found placed in front of me.

"That sounds good. I'll do the same thank you." Danny handed her menu.

The lady took off while letting us know our food would be right up. I waited until the lady left and once I saw her gone I turned back to Danny who was drinking her coffee.

"So when were you going to tell me about you and Lip?" I asked as I watched her choke on her drink.

She wiped the little bit that spilled down her chin, "What about us?"

"Don't play dumb a friend of Lip's who so happens to be a friend of mine told me. She told me how you guys been hanging around each other." I smirked.

She rolled her eyes and laughed, "Yeah he has come around my place and I would visit him at his dorm sometimes. But it doesn't mean anything. We are just friends with benefits nothing more."

I was thrown off by the news but before I could respond our food was brought out and placed in front of us. I thanked our waitress and she smiled while quickly leaving. Danny wasted no time in digging in.

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