Title 4: Mickey

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~Published March 26, 2017~

The warmth of the sun caressed my face as the birds chirped to greet the new day. Who the hell am I kidding? The neighborhood was just as loud as any other day. I could hear the kids cussing at each other and glass breaking. It was probably Mrs. Miller throwing another beer bottle at her husband's head. Rolling away from the bedroom window, my face landed on a piece of paper. It stuck to my face so I sat up while removing it. I looked over at Carl's bed only to finding it empty. That boy better have not stayed out. I looked down at the sheet and noticed Carl's sloppy handwriting.

'Hey Jo. Lip came by to get the family so we can get Liam from the hospital. He wanted to wake you up but I said no. You didn't get much sleep and I would know. You didn't stop talking in your sleep and you kept tossing and turning. It was kinda creepy especially the part where you were moaning. So don't get butt hurt that you weren't there with us. You will see us very soon.

The baddest and your favorite Gallagher,

Well at least he was considerate enough to let me know. I heard a noise coming from downstairs. I threw the blanket off my body as my bare feet hit the cold floor. Making my way out of the room and bounced down the stairs. I came face to face with majority of the family.

Debbie was the first to notice me, "She is alive!"

I laughed and made my way over taking her in a tight hug, "Why is everyone rushing around?"

"Jo alive!" My head turned to see little Liam sitting in his high chair with his hands stretched up above his head, "Jo alive!" He repeated and let out a few more giggles.

"Awe Liam!" I went over and took his face in my hands and peppered his face with kisses. "I'm so happy you're back and well."

"Alright everyone get your backpacks on!" Lip was packing up lunches and writing each kid's name on it. 

I walked over and started to help by wrapping up sandwiches, "You know you could have woke me up. I wouldn't have mind."

"Yeah, well Carl said it was best not too. Also it was early so I figured we would have enough time to get Liam and then send Debs and Carl to school. So here I am." He explained and wiped his hands on a rag.

I started folding the bags, "In order for me to help. You have to let me help you."

"Yeah I know." He muttered 

I continued to watch him but then there was this smell similar to weed, "Do you smell that?"

You could see Lip become very frustrated, "Damn it Frank! I told you to stop lighting up in the house!"

Debbie groaned, "Carl help me move Liam away from the stairs." 

Carl did what he was told and rolled him away as he passed me. 

"Hey man, I didn't see you there." I laughed and lightly punched his shoulder.

"That's impossible." He winked at me. 

His confidence never fails to surprise me.

"Alright I'll take Liam to school today and then I will grab dinner from there." He pulled Liam towards him.

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