Title 10: Summer

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~Published on May 1, 2017~

Summer, the hottest season of the year and I fucking hate it. Summer makes me angry, crabby, moody, bitchy, you name it. Only wearing a David Bowie tank top with jean shorts I was still burning up. It didn't help that I was carrying a dozen freshly made bagels in my hand. I should think about getting a car but screw that it's like having a kid. You have to put money into it, take care of it, take it to it's check-ups, no I'm good. You are probably confused how it went from winter to summer. Let me explain, after Ian's little episode and Mickey finally showing me his true emotions everything has changed for the better I have to say. My friendship with Mickey has grown stronger and honestly it's all thanks to Ian. That night I told Mickey that he should never feel ashamed to show me how he is truly feeling. It took him some time but now he actually vents to me and we hangout. You can say we hang out more than Ian and I. We have been working together to make sure that Ian hasn't had another depressed episode and it has been working. Ian has been back to his old self. Laughing and just living his life. Mickey and him have grown closer to the point that Ian kind of lives with him. Where does that leave me? I'm still in the friend zone and my feelings for him has not diminished at all. Ian and I have kept our feelings at bay, more so to not disrespect Mickey. How things are now I can say I am happy. I go over a lot to the Milkovich home and even Svetlana has welcomed me. There are times that she has me babysit Yevgeny when Ian can't. Even Mickey has begun to pull his own weight as a father. We are just a fucked up little family. 

I finally arrived to the beaten up house and climbed up the front steps. Without knocking I entered the residence and was greeted by a pair of tits that were attached to Svetlana's new partner. Oh yeah Svetlana likes girls...who knew? She was ironing a shirt by the dining room table and Mickey's brothers were practically drooling at the sight. When a roll of my eyes I continued my way into the kitchen as I placed the bagels on the counter.

"Good morning, Jo. How would you like your eggs?" Svetlana greeted me with a kiss on the cheek.

I gave her a kiss back, "Scramble please." 

She gave me a cheeky smile, "See, this is why I like you. You have manners not like these savages that live in this damn house."

"Hey! I have manners it's just mine come with a bit of an attitude." Ian walked in through the side door carrying a window fan.

The air was knocked from my lungs at the sight of him. His hair looked even more red as it was messily sprawled on the top of his head. His green shirt that he was wearing made his eye color pop even more. It still amazes me how he can take my breath away from one glance at him.

"Hey Jo." He smiled and placed one quick kiss to my cheek then walked around me. 

"Here." Svetlana hands me a plate and I gladly accept.

"Bagels are on the counter." I pointed not before grabbing one myself and sat down at the table.

Yevgeny started to cry from his playpen that was in the kitchen. Mickey walked into the room asking why the baby was crying trying to adjust his tie while wearing a very nice black dress shirt.

Svet picked up the kid and smelled his bottom, "Ooh, diaper is full of poop."

Mickey looked at his son with a smile and admiration, "Oh, is that what happened?" 

Ian was quick to walk over to take the baby from Mickey's hands, "Don't want baby shit covering your shirt on your first day of work do you? Let me take care of it."

Mickey watched his boyfriend with a loving look as Svetlana adjusted his tie.

"Damn, Mick looking good." I laugh and gave him a wink.

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