Chapter twenty five

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"Damn you look good Red, I was going to offer to take you home for clothes but I think you should just always wear mine" I say with my lips pressed to Ellie's ear, her hair on my face smells so good.
She leans into me sitting between my legs on the hood of my car, the sun is setting and it's getting too cold to sit out much longer. I could sit like this forever and admire the view, the view of the city lights coming to life isn't bad either. I shove another French fry in her mouth that's been dipped in my strawberry shake.
"Always? Even during sex? You're kinky kid I'll give you that, I like it" she smiles and turns to kiss me.
Her lips are soft and salty, her tongue sweet and tastes like strawberries.
"You finished your cheeseburger? I want to take you home" I try to hide my smirk but this crazy woman just pulls the smiles right out of me.
"Hmm yeah, I really shouldn't have of had two after the ice cream. I'm going to have to run now, I hate running. I only do it for two reasons, one I love sugar and two I hate zombies. I refuse to become one so I need to keep up with my cardio" Ellie tells me seriously and I nod.
"Zombies huh?"
"I know it might be pointless, are they like the walking dead zombies or world war Z? Fuck I hope they're slow motherfuckers, I know it's just a matter of time before the apocalypse reins down upon us" she sighs thinking it over.
"You're amazing baby, c'mon lets go" I kiss her temple and give her a gentle push.
"Can I drive pretty please?" Ellie bounces on the spot looking adorable.
"I don't know Elle, it needs work" I say worried.
"Like what?" She asks lighting up.
"I need to completely redo the gearbox, the gate between second and third jams sometimes and the flywheel needs some attention" I shrug.
"Can I help? We should probably just replace the slave and master clutch while it's all out. If none of it has been touched it's worthwhile to save double handling. I love that it's got the original front end by the way, not the Trans Am look they changed it to after this model" Ellie says bagging up the leftovers.
I look at her wondering if this woman is real, a walker passes us on the path and I jump up to stop her.
"Excuse me ma'am, humour me please. You can see a woman standing beside this car right?" I check because it wouldn't be the first time I'm talking to myself when I think I'm not alone.
"Um.. yes" the woman in her late forties answers hesitantly and doesn't stop walking her dog.
"Great, thanks. Just checking" I chuckle.
"Cole?" Ellie asks with a frown.
"Yes you can help, I fucking love you Red" I tell her lifting her onto my body.
"Damn, I love you too" Ellie groans and I kiss her breathless.
My blood pumps too fast in my veins, I can hear my heartbeat in my ears. She is too much, I don't get something this good. I don't get someone like her.
"Marry me Ellie" I whisper on her lips when I let her breathe.
"Yes" she groans again as if in pain.
She doesn't even hesitate, I hope she knows I'm serious.
"C'mon lets get you supplies, I just have one stop I need to make on the way home" I smirk holding her face like a delicate treasure.
I don't want to break her.
"The blue pill? I know a guy who can get us the strong stuff" Ellie kisses my nose.
"No sweetheart, trust me it's not required" I laugh at her cheeky smile.

I drive her to her house in a comfortable silence, I don't know what she's thinking but I'm worried over what happens when we go to bed. Ellie is very upfront about her expectations and I've been out of the game for a while, I've never worried about my partners satisfaction before. I'm nervous I can't please her.
"You really could use some music in here babe, does the old cassette player even work?" Ellie asks breaking my thoughts.
"Roll down the window sweetheart, hear that beautiful V8 sing?" I smile.
"Almost as good as a turbo" she smirks. "I live for music, the bass, the dancing, the way a good guitar solo can send shivers down your spine, the way a lone violin can make you cry" she sighs and I secretly smile, we have that in common. "Music can change my mood in an instant and is often all the company I keep, when I finish work and I don't know if one of my babies will still be there next shift I put on my headphones and close my eyes. I know that life means death but how do you explain that to a four year old? To the mother of a four year old?"
"I don't know, you're definitely stronger than me. I don't know how you do it" I say placing my hand on her thigh.
"Some days I wonder why I do, then there's others where I get to tell families they can take their child home. That the surgery I promised will work has paid off, I remember I want to be the one that saves them. I remind myself that every time I want to fall asleep on my books the next page I read could help me cure cancer or treat Pulmonary Valve Stenosis or minimise the effects of living with childhood diabetes. I just tell myself to keep going because if I do my job well today maybe tomorrow won't be so bad" Ellie is so passionate about her career, she believes she can make a difference and I believe her.
"You are amazing sweetheart" I say in awe of her and lift her hand to kiss it.
"Well duh" she smiles cheeky at me.

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