Chapter forty four

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"I'm so excited" Ellie giggles and clutches at my arm as we hit the gravel drive and the roller door comes up.
There's other cars parked out front today whereas yesterday it all looked abandoned from the outside, I start to feel nervous.
"I love you Red, please trust me" I mumble keeping my lips as still as possible.
"I love you too hot stuff, you okay?" Ellie turns to face me and I kiss her lips with a smile.
"Awesome" I nod.
"Oh my god!" Ellie blurts and jumps from the car.
I pull the handbrake and follow her out, I don't want her too far from my side.
"Damn Lenny, I fucking love you!" Ellie squeals and jumps on the asshole hugging him.
"Thought I'd show my number one girl some love, you like it baby girl?" Lenny holds on to my number one girl by the ass and I grit my teeth to stay quiet.
"These are the rims I've been searching for, how did you find them?" Ellie jumps down to circle around her car.
"I know, I didn't. Custom baby, just for you. Now she lives up to the stance licence plate" Lenny boasts.
"Are these burn out tyres?" Ellie drops to her knees to get a good look at her new wheels that sit in on an angle.
"Keys are in it, you tell me?" Lenny shoves his hands in his pockets and rocks back on his heels relaxed and full of himself.
I look around the shed and see many people standing around, other racers by their interest in Ellie's car. I see Bobby and I smile with a little nod and she comes over to my side. We don't say anything but I sling an arm over her shoulder and she leans into my side and rests her head on my shoulder as we watch Ellie start up her car.
"Dude!" Ellie calls out over the deep rumble of her new exhaust system.
"You were right, I was wrong. It was a good move, now smoke it baby" Lenny laughs.

The wheels screech on the cement floor and hot pink smoke fills the space as her tyres burnout, it's impressive and every Ellie, I can hear her laugh over the roar of her supercharged engine.
"It's good to be number one hey?" Bobby shakes her head smiling.
"I guess it is, you don't get special treatment then?" I ask Bobby.
"Not when the bosses girlfriend is here, when she's not... that's another story" Bobby licks her bottom lip seductively and wiggles her hips in her tiny skirt.
"Is she here now?" I ask looking for leverage if I ever need it.
"Yep, she's the pre teen in the green dress and gold chains. Total gold digger, Lenny spent an absolute fortune on her tits" Bobby informs me subtly pointing her out.
"Money well spent" I blurt looking a little longer than I should.
Lenny has good taste, she's a fucking stunner.
"Down boy, you make a move and he'll cut your balls off. He's allowed his fun but she definitely is not, she untouchable" Bobby laughs closing my mouth.
"Not even interested Bob, you strip her down, remove the makeup and fake tan and she instantly becomes a two. What the fuck would I do with a two when I got me a ten?" I roll my eyes.
"What about Elle? What does she score?" Bobby laughs pouty and flirty.
"Red is off the charts, Red has beauty a brush could never create. No surgeon could match her natural curves and that fucking smile Bob, she brings me to my knees with that knock out" I groan.
"Oh my god dude get some balls" Bobby laughs at me.
"I've got some, there currently stored in Ellie's back pocket for safe keeping" I chuckle.
"And that's where they'll stay" Ellie growls and fists my jacket showing me her killer smile. "Did you see?" She asks so excited.
"I saw baby girl, it's very impressive" I sigh fucking love drunk on her.
"Did you know about this?" Ellie hugs Bobby and they sway together holding tight.
"Lenny and I may have had a few late night meetings designing the mock ups" Bobby smirks cocky.
"I bet that's what he told Simone anyway right?" Ellie snorts.
"Are you going to ask me what I'm doing here right now?" Bobby asks.
"Finally getting rid of that ugly pinstripe on your car?" Ellie laughs.
"No bitch, Lenny had me configure a new amp and double subs he installed in the loudest system I've ever put together. Ask me what car?" She smirks and Ellie's jaw drops.
"You didn't?!"
"I did"
"Show. Me. Now" Ellie drools.

Bobby walks to the Audi swaying her hips so her skirt moves showing off her thong and the lace top pantyhose with little white bows on the back of her thighs, I roll my eyes and look at Ellie.
"She must be cold" I mutter and Ellie takes my hand.
"She'll find someone to warm her up, c'mon come say hi" Ellie pulls me with her and I hold in a groan, I don't think that's a good idea.
"Sure baby" I smile anyway.
These people are her friends, these people are her friends. Just like the dropkick twins, I wanted to fucking dropkick the one with eyes all over my lady. He doesn't fucking know me.
Smile Bentley, just smile.

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