Chapter twenty four

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I'm so warm and comfortable I never want to move, I never want to wake up. The steady rhythm of breathing under my head, the rise and fall of a chest, it's perfect, it's fucking awesome... it's Cole. My mind stirs as I remember where I am, who I'm with and what little I'm wearing. My blood heats and my thighs tingle, how did I fall asleep without sleeping with this guy? Cole is every fantasy I've ever had. Sweet, so fucking sweet, hot enough to make my knees shake, funny, considerate and kind. He's a man, not a boy and he's not afraid to say what he feels. He's so open and generous... he's a gentleman. I thought they were like unicorns, a myth designed to keep us hoping for something magical that doesn't exist. Best of all he's mine.
My face nuzzles his neck and I kiss the warm skin of his collarbone, my hands get a firmer grip so he can't escape, I'm never letting him go. Strong hands move over my body, gripping my waist and knee. Pulling me further on top of him, I go willingly and kiss his neck and jaw. I feel so good right now, he feels so good. I can't stop kissing and those strong hands move to my ass, squeezing and grinding me onto him. Holy shit that feels good.
"Cole" I moan deep and needy, no one has ever made me feel like this.
"Don't stop" he breathes and moves my hips in a slow rhythm.
"Kiss me" I beg and he does.

His lips claim mine eagerly and starved, his tongue moving on mine in ways that can only be described as carnal. No one has ever kissed me like this, not even close. I don't think I've ever kissed the one person as much as I've kissed Cole already, his lips are drugging and addictive. Cole's body is rock hard and his stomach is tight, the lean ridges of his abs are fucking sexy and his arms are strong without being bulky. So fucking sexy.
His hands are so gentle, touching me as if I might break if he's too rough. They move from my ass up my back under the shirt I stole from his dresser, they make me shiver as we kiss. My hips continue on their own and the friction of him touching me where I need him makes me feel crazy, I feel dizzy and high. It feels so fucking good.
"I love you" he whispers in my ear deep and rough making me moan loudly, I'm too turned on to be embarrassed by the need it projects.
"I love you too Cole" I tell him cupping his face.
"Please Red, make love to me?" He pleads just as rough and it moves something in me, I fall deeper in love with him.
"Yes" I moan and kiss his mouth.
No one has ever wanted me like this, I've never known love like this. It makes me bold and I sit up lifting my shirt over my head, I want him to see me.
"Fucking beautiful sweetheart, holy shit" he trembles and shaking hands roam over my hips, up my stomach and cup my breasts.
I roll my hips because it feels so good. His eyes eat me up as his thumbs rub over my nipples making them harden with his touch and I cry out, Cole groans at the sound and sits up against me. His lips kiss my face all over and move down my neck, over my collarbone and down my chest. The heat of his mouth sears my skin as he sucks on one nipple while rolling the other in his hand, nothing in this world has ever felt so good.
"Oh Cole, oh god Cole!" I pant breathless.
"So beautiful" he whispers while moving his mouth to the other.
"So good, fuck! Oh fuck baby you feel so good" I whimper and my hips jerk against his.
"Are you ready sweetheart? I need you so bad" Cole groans and I nod furiously.
"Please Cole, please!" I beg in pain, it hurts to want him this much.
"I love you Ellie" he tells me again and I have no doubt, I believe him.
"I love you so much, make love to me Cole. Please" I beg again.
"Yes sweetheart shh, I've got you beautiful" he smiles so sweet and gently rolls so his body covers mine. "You look like a fucking goddess, I'm going to worship you baby"

His smirk is sexy and so fucking hot, I tremble as he reaches beside the bed as comes back with a foil wrapper in his hand. Just the sight of the condom causes me to moan, I wrap my legs around his waist beyond impatient.
He watches me as his teeth rips the corner off the packet and he spits the discarded strip over the edge of the bed, he's just as consumed as I am.
Placing the open and ready condom beside me on his pillow his hand moves slowly down my body and I tremble as his fingers move under my panties, I moan loudly even before he's reached his destination.
A loud bang of the door being slammed open breaks my focus and I jump with a yelp. Cole's face shows panic for a brief second before anger sets in, I hide in his neck not wanting to see who has entered the room. My stomach sinks because I already know.
"I fucking warned you" his deep growl fills the room a split second before Cole is pulled from the bed. "I told you to keep your hands to yourself, why couldn't you just listen to me?" Jace fumes.
"Because you don't own me, and Ellie makes her own decisions. What the fuck are you doing here man?" Cole pushes Jace back and even in his fancy suit and tie Jace looks menacing.
"Ellie get dressed, we're going" Jace doesn't look at me, doesn't take his hard stare off Cole.
"Ellie is right where she belongs, you are the one that's leaving and you're leaving without her. Calm yourself down and I'll come to talk to you rationally when I'm ready" Cole says hard as steel.
"When you're finished fucking my baby sister?" Jace sneers.
"You're a bit of a mood killer but I'm gonna give it my best shot" Cole rolls his eyes and Jace's arm pulls back, a fist already formed.
"No!" I shout already jumping from the bed and I guard my man with my body. "Not this time Jay, not this one. I'm keeping this one, please" I beg my brother.
"Fucking Christ Ellie, cover yourself" Jace turns his head looking away.
"No, please don't do this Jay" I whisper.
Cole takes my hands and covers my chest with our arms, he turns us putting Jace to his back.
"Sweetheart it's fine, if this is the price I have to pay to love you then I'll pay it every time. Put your shirt on and get back into bed" Cole tells me low and serious.
"I don't take orders, remember?" I tell him raising my chin.
"Wrong, when you're naked and in my room you take them from me" he kisses my temple. "Please" he adds with a sigh and I smile.
"You're welcome" I want to giggle but I don't.
I climb under the sheets and watch the two men I love.
"You don't love her" Jace growls.
"Wrong bro, I do" Cole says frustrated.
"You can't. She won't be a replacement for her" Jace almost softens.
Who's her?
"And yet I do, Ellie is replacing nobody. Please Jace, not now" Cole sighs.
"Why? Because you were so close to getting what you want? Do you even care about what happens to her when you're done?" Jace spits at him
"I'll never be done, not as long as she wants me" Cole shakes his head and my chest aches for him.
"That's the thing with Ellie, every man has ended up cheating on her. She's desperate for love. She will always want you, I won't let you hurt her too" Jace says and I groan feeling betrayed and hurt.
"Not me, I will never hurt her" Cole sighs.
"Not all of them" I say quietly. "You took care of the last one before he had the chance" I will not cry.
"Yeah honey he did, I'm sorry" Jace flicks his eyes to me briefly and I turn away from him.
Jace runs his hand through his hair frustrated.
"And if she ever returns your feelings? What about Elle then? I know you would forget her in a second to get your hands on my girl" he turns back to Cole.
Beth? Does Cole have a thing for Beth?
"No, never. That's done, over, like this conversation. Get out of my room" Cole growls.
"Get dressed Ellie, I will carry you across the lawn like that if I have to" Jace tells me.
"Touch her and you'll regret it Masters" Cole rolls his shoulders and I panic.
"I don't think I will" Jace steps forward.
"Please, don't fight" I say but neither listen to me.
I throw on Cole's shirt and stand. I jump into my gym pants and pull Cole to look at me, he keeps his eyes on Jace till he can avoid me no longer.
"I'm going to go, I don't want you fighting. I'm coming back, I'll be back Cole I promise" I tell him with tears in my eyes.
"You don't have to, if you want a take back just do it Ellie. Don't string me along, I always knew this was too good to last" Cole swallows and his Adam's apple bobs up and down.
"No take backs, I'm with you" I whisper holding his head to mine with our foreheads touching. "Jay was right about one thing, I'll always want you" I say and kiss him with tears on my cheeks.
"I'll never hurt you Red, I promise. I love you" he whispers on my lips.
"Now Ellie" Jace growls inpatient.
"I love you too Boy" I kiss him ignoring my brother who will be shortly receiving an ass kicking. "I'm coming back to you" I look into his gorgeous brown eyes and he looks so sad.
"I'm not going anywhere baby" he tells me and lets me go.
"I'm sorry Cole" Jace says quietly.
"Fuck you Jace" Cole breathes and disappears into the bathroom.
I want to go after him, my stomach churns with dread that whatever we had is over before it could begin. Jace collects my things from throughout the room and I slap his head and march from the room.
I'm so furious with my brother, I know he thinks he's looking out for me but I'm a full grown adult. An adult who can no longer hold back her tears, I cry softly to myself as I take the stairs.
"Ellie, I'm sorry. It's better this way please just trust me" Jace tells me right on my heels.
"Big Man? What's going on?" Izzy asks holding a glass of wine.
"Sorry Tiny, we'll get out of your hair" Jace answers without telling her anything.
"Oh no... is he okay?" Iz covers her mouth when she sees my face.
"Probably not, she has to be my first priority Iz" Jace sighs and places a hand on my shoulder, I shake him off.
"What if he's good for her?" Izzy groans.
"What if he's not? She's not strong enough to pick herself up when he hurts her" Jace sighs feeling sorry for me.
"She can hear you asshole" I grumble
"Sorry Ellie, is he okay?" She asks again.
"How would I know? I know nothing about him apparently. Only that he's the best thing to ever happen to me" I punch Jace's chest in anger.
"He's so fragile, he won't talk to me anymore. Please tell me, was it serious?" Izzy is very worried and I frown feeling anxious.
"Was it? No. It is. It's serious enough that he asked me to marry him, serious enough that I said yes" I shrug.
"Oh god" she panics and rushes up the stairs.
"What?!" I ask Jace who looks guilty.
"Cole is... honey he's not well. He's medicated but he's been suicidal for a while now" Jace tells me gently. "C'mon Iz will look after him, he listens to her. She's the only person he lets in" Jace pushes me out the door but I want to run to him.
Oh no my poor boy! I should go back.
"Jace, please. Why did you do this? What is so wrong with me being happy?" I say and dig my heels in on the drive.
Jace doesn't stop, he lifts me over his shoulder with no grace or care and keeps moving.

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