Chapter forty two

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I wake up alone, still clutching my bear. My hand searches the bed for Cole but nothing but warm sheets are where he should be, at least I know he was actually here. His shirt is on the chair and I pull it on to go find my snuggle buddy, I miss his touch.
The house is quiet and still dark, it's raining and cold making me shiver, the perfect day to stay in bed.
I see Cole in the kitchen and cover my mouth with both hands to stop my giggle, his bare back is to me as he dances over the stove in just his shorts, he's cooking and nodding his head to something I can't hear. He plays the air drums with his spatula and tongs and I see the wires coming from his ears disappearing into his pocket, he looks so happy that I don't want to spoil his moment. I jump up to sit on the counter beside the fridge and pull out the orange juice to enjoy the show.
"Over, and over, and over, and over again, and again. Cause I don't wanna be like them" he sings and his hands move like he's holding his guitar, like he can see the stings that need to be played.
He spins on the spot and freezes when he sees me sitting there gawking at him with a smile.
"Fuck!" He gasps in surprise and pulls one earphone out with a jerk and a blush.
"Okay" I giggle with a nod and a smile.
"I didn't see you come in, Good morning beautiful" Cole regains some composure and comes to kiss me.
"Morning sexy, whatcha doing?" I giggle.
"Entertaining my fiancée by the looks of it, I was attempting to make you breakfast in bed" his hands brush back my messy hair and I open my legs to pull him closer.
"I could be persuaded to get back in, does breakfast usually involve so much dancing?" I tease and run my hands down his bare chest, fuck his body is something else.
"No, not usually. I was just learning a new song to teach the guys later today, a new release from one of my favourite bands" Cole tells me reaching overhead to pass me down a glass.
He pours the orange juice I have beside me without having to be asked and something so simple shouldn't make my heart skip a beat, if shouldn't but it does.
"You don't need to read the music or watch someone play it?" I ask shyly.
"Nah, not for guitar. It's just like humming a tune or singing, my hands just know how to make the notes without thinking too much about it, I just need to know the tune. You sleep well?" Cole asks with a smile.
"Like the dead, Flopsy is the perfect bed partner" I sigh and lean forward to kiss the peeling skin of his tattoo.
"Flopsy slept on the floor, that was me you were wrapped around sweetheart" warm arms wrap around me and his chin rests on my head, it feels so good just to hold him.
"Well that explains it. How do you feel today?"
"I'm good Baby" I feel him swallow and pull back to see his face. "Promise" he adds and holds his hands up in front of me.
I lace my fingers with his, they're steady and warm and mine.
"Good Boy. You're amazing, you can do anything" I encourage him with a kiss to his palm.
"Anything? Because I know you're not wearing any panties" Cole smirks and leans in to kiss me.
"Anything" I nod husky and hot.

His lips touch my neck so softly and his breath tickles my skin, it's minty and fresh and I panic wondering if mine is stale from sleep. Cole jumps and his hand moves quick to the control on the headphone still dangling from his ear.
"Fuck dude not now" Cole says not moving from my neck. "Yeah I got it, can we do this later? I'm eating my lady" he says and I giggle. "Cooking, I meant cooking. We're eating breakfast. No it can't, you wait. I'll see you later, bye Jewel" he presses the button again and continues to kiss me.
"She calls you this early?" I ask hoping I don't sound as grumpy as I feel.
"Sometimes, we have practice today. Fuck Jewel, kiss me" Cole breathes and takes my mouth.
"Hmm, no thanks. She's not my type, or yours I should add" I bite his lip and suck.
"Really? What's my type?" Cole smiles.
"Tall, dark and moody. Someone who knows how to bleed every major artery without waking a person" I tell him sweetly and rub my nose on his.
"Hmm yeah, I love me a psychopath in the morning" he chuckles then panics. "And hopefully one that likes crispy bacon?" He rushes out and turns to the pan on the stove.
"As long as you can still call it bacon, I'll eat it" I pant bereft of his touch.
I jump from the counter and follow his movements, I wrap my arms around his waist and kiss his back while tickling his abs making Cole chuckle and sigh.
"Wow, this looks cozy, and smells so good" Iz says behind me and slaps my ass as she looks over Cole's shoulder to the pan.
"Hey, morning" Cole smiles and Iz reaches up to kiss his cheek like I'm not even here.
Cole turns his face automatically to accept it and his hand cups the back of her head, his smile makes my stomach drop like that first second of falling on a roller coaster.
"Don't worry I'm just here for coffee, I promised Chuck we wouldn't leave the room all day but a girl needs her caffeine am I right?" Iz smiles at me and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.
"Hmm I don't know, maybe your Bentley just isn't as tasty as mine? So far today I've only had Cole in my mouth and in doing just fine" I shrug and Cole busts out a laugh.
"I'm not even going to clarify that, think what you want" Cole laughs out loud and turns to face me, his smile is bright and so captivating just sucking me in.
"What?" I blush.
"God you're amazing" Cole licks his lips without losing his smile.
"Maybe your Bentley doesn't have the stamina of mine? I need sleep or I need coffee, this morning I need coffee" Iz laughs and picks up the coffee pot.
"Couldn't get the job done in a timely fashion huh?" I screw up my face up in sympathy.
"Some things you just can't rush, you'll understand when your older" Iz fires back with a smirk.
"Whoa, down girls" Cole steps back with his hands up dramatically.
"That's what he said" Iz and I say in unison making Cole cringe.
"So I'm going to leave the two of you to put whatever you like in your mouths, but I'm taking this with me" Iz winks and sashays out the kitchen with the coffee pot in one hand two mugs in the other and Cooper's tee shirt hanging down to her knees.
"Izzy no, just let me get one mug first" Cole groans but she just turns to blow him a kiss without stopping. "Karma will get you! I hope you burn your tongue" Cole calls out and we hear Izzy's laugh from her stairs.
"Heartless is what that was, you gonna be okay?" I smile up at my Bentley.
"Don't you look so innocent, you started that with your whole my Bentley is better than yours bit" Cole laughs and kisses my lips.
"Well you are, I don't see Boo Boo up here cooking for his wife. Do you think he put her to sleep with her own person lullaby last night? No. Without a doubt I scored me the best brother here" I say confidently.
"Of course you did, but one thing you will learn about Iz is that she is frustratingly competitive. Seriously don't ever challenge her physically. She has to win" he rolls his eyes and I puff up my chest.
"You don't think I could take her?" I ask offended.
"Take her? Oh god Ellie please don't challenge her to a fight, she's a fucking boxer. I've seen her kick both Coop and Jace's ass more times than I should admit I find funny" he panics.
His words come from concern but they prickle my pride, I want him to think I'm better than her, I want him to think he scored the best brunette here.
"I could have some wicked ninja skills for all you know" I pout and Cole lifts my chin with his finger.
"Red, I've seen you throw a punch remember? You're a lover not a fighter and I love that about you, that handful is always getting into trouble. Your gentle ways are what I need to keep me out of it" Cole sounds teasing but his eyes tell me something more.
"One day I'm going to shock you with how awesome I am and the things I can do, one day you'll know she was never an option. I'll prove you got the best girl" I promise him with a hopefully sexy smile.
"One day? Oh god Ellie" Cole frowns seemingly upset and runs a hand through his hair while looking at my face.
"What?" I ask holding my breath for the you'll never be better than her speech.
"Now Baby, today, yesterday... everyday since the day we met. It's you sweetheart, I already know how awesome you are. I can't believe how lucky I am to have you, I have no idea how I got someone like you. Ellie Keyes, I already know I have the best girl, not in this house but in the universe. I'm sorry, I make you feel like you don't measure up to her don't I?" Cole asks keeping a distance between us when all I really want is to feel his arms around me and hide.
"I just want to be the best for you, you're so.... you. You're perfect, and I'm messy and loud and unorganised and reckless. Izzy is so polished and poised, funny and sexy. She walks across the room and I feel I need to applaud, she's everything I'm not" I sigh feeling like I'm standing here naked for judgment.
"Oh baby, why didn't you tell me you had a mental disorder?" Cole sighs with a smirk on his cocky face.
"Huh?" I screw my face up confused but enraptured by him.
"I'm soo far from perfect, and you are everything. You're the one who makes me laugh, I've never met anyone as funny as you. You're the one I wake up smiling thinking about, you are the one I dream about. You my sexy Red, have the body I can't keep my eyes off, my hands off, or my dick out of. I just didn't know you were dropped on your head as a small child, the loud, reckless ball of energy you are is what makes you so perfect for me. Do not ever change a thing because you think you're not enough for me, I love every single thing about the person you are right now" Cole tells me with conviction and my knees shake.
"Cole?" I ask quietly.
"Yes baby?"
"You lost me at dick" I smile and Cole laughs.
"I'm trying to tell you I have the best girl here, I'm telling you I love you sweetheart" Cole finally holds me close and I snuggle into his chest happily.
"Seriously you may as well stop talking, my mind can't get past this dick" I breathe and my hand travels down his abs to rub over the bulge in his shorts.
"Holy shit" Cole gasps holding me tighter.
I lift my face to his and kiss him slow as my hand massages the now hard length of him, our tongues move together in perfect synchronisation. We are perfect together, every touch just right. She couldn't have been this perfect because I take his breath away, I am the one he moans for now. I am the one wearing his tee shirt, his ring.
"I love you too Boy, I love you so much" I tell him fighting for sanity but I'll settle for breath.
"Oh fuck Ellie, you're mine now" Cole growls and lifts me to the closest counter.
His hands grip my hips and his hips split my knees, his eyes burn into mine and I gasp at the intense feeling of being filled by him. He fills and stretches me to my limit and right now he's so hard I'm useless to do anything but hold on.

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