Chapter 7: Part 2

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*Recap: Katie and her mom left for the meeting place (Starbucks) at 9:15*

*45 minutes later at Starbucks*

We pulled into a parking space at Starbucks.

I got out of the car and walked inside, my mom following behind.

"Mom, can I please get a drink?" I asked, knowing what I really wanted.

"I don't care," She replied.

"Thank you!!" I grinned.

There were a few other people in line. There were 2 business men, a women, and a guy with blue and white striped shorts and a black t-shirt.

I walked up and got in line behind the guy.

The employees worked fast to get the business men's drinks ready. After they had left, it was almost my turn.

The woman was ordering when I was getting a little impatient. To stay occupied, I started looking at my surrounding. Cute little tables, restrooms, workers, garbage cans. I looked in front of my and saw the guy looking at me. I recognized that face!

I smiled at him, "JAMES!!"

"KATIE, HI!!" He responded, embracing me in a hug.

The business woman very annoyed. She glared at us and very sourly said "HUSH!". The employee finally finished her drink. She set it down on the counter for her. She took her drink and stormed off.

James and I looked at each other​

and laughed.

"How moody!" He exclaimed.

"How strict!" I carried on with him.


"Can I take your guys' orders?" The cashier's name tag read Haley.

She was a pretty girl with short straight blue and purple hair. Her eyes were a pale blue. She was wearing very light and natural makeup. Overall, she was gorgeous.


To not be so suspicious, I smiled at her and said, "Yeah! I'd like a chocolate chip frappe please!"

"And I'll take a carmel frappe," James nervously told her.

"Okay! Is that all for you?" Haley asked.

"Yep!" James and I answered.

"Alright! Your total will be $__.__ ."

(A/N idek how much they are lol)

My mom pushed in front of James and I and handed Haley her credit card.

"I'm paying!" She exclaimed.

"Geez mom, I wish you were that excited to buy merch and concert tickets," I joked with her.

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