Chapter 63 let him go!!

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Bozo held his head in hands, his fist then shot forward against the brick walls close to him. He stood up, his eyes glowing.

"LET JEFF GO ALREADY!!!!" He screeched throwing his head back as he snarled up at the ceiling. He kicked the earth at his feet.

"He hasn't doesn't know anything about this hell hole!! Just let him go!!" Screeched the cursed clown. Then the door opened. In Wobbled Randal.

"That much is true. All I've heard about is his past. I'm not complaining but I do want to know what you all know about me and this place. Yet for now, l'll give your precious boyfriend back to you. Far warning, he was in there for quite some time" Randal then started to laugh. Turning on his heals and walking out of the basement door. His laughter echoing through the empty room. Bozo hissed.

"Just you wait until I get theses damn chains off you bastard" he growled darkly. His body trembling with rage. Two pairs of gloved hands tossed in a white mass at Bozos feet. The door slammed behind them. Bozo instantly recognized the white bloodied hoodie. His eyes widened in fear.

"Jeff!-" he kneeled down and with some difficulty (because of the chains) he pulled his friend close. Jeff rested his head on Bozo's chest Jeff. Jeff slowly tilted his head upward. His hands were tied tightly around his back, his eyes were half lidded. His using glowing eyes had dimmed and were misty out of focus. His hair was ruffled and cut shorter than usual. His pants had slashed in random parts. His sweatshirt had new holes and cuts across it. He slowly parted his lips,

"Hi-" his voice was raspy and barely a whisper. Bozo's eyes widened sharply,

"What did they do to you?"  He asked, gliding  Jeff's untidy hair out of his eyes.

"I feel like a pin cushion-" he whined, his head falling back.

"The nurses jabbed with me a lot of needles, tied me to a table asking me all kinds of crazy questions. The stuff they gave me, made me see crazy things. I saw my parents- Jane before she changed, liu... Those brats who made me change lit me in fire when I was just a kid- I don't know what I told them- I just remember talking to my parents- trying to get away from those kids- but I couldn't move- I was trapped in my own mind."  Jeff's voice was barely above a whisper. His eyes slowly closing, he was very happy in this moment that his eyelids had grown back. He was shivering violently in Bozo's arms, haunted by the memories of his past. Bozo growled darkly. Gently pulling his friend closer, hissing softly as the chains rubbed against him.

"The second I get out of theses chains-" he snaked darkly. Jeff let out a soft whimper, shaking his head.

"They'll come for you- next-" he whispered softly. Wincing softly as he felt a sharp jab in his side. Bozo noticed this and slowly let his hands check to see. There still in Jeffs side was a needle. Bozo let out a growl, slowly pulling it out. Making Jeff cry out softly.

"E-Easy!-" he whined. His eyes opening. Bozo smiled sheepishly,

"Sorry, had to get this out of you. I won't let them This to you again. Now just Wait..." bozo took the needle in his hand. Carefully flipped it upside down, and pointed the needle at the key hole. With a bit of wiggling and fidgeting. They both heard a soft click. Bozo smirked darkly, letting his chains fall to the ground. He tossed them behind his head, and then quickly picked the locks on his feet. He pulled them off and pushed them away.

He then untied Jeffs bounds, the moment Jeff's hands were free he pushed forward. Hooking his arms around Bozo and hugging him close. Bozo hooked his arms around him, holding him close against his chest.

"You need your rest, and we are going to need a lot More damn needles to take them all out. You rest now, when they come for me we'll strike." Bozo promised softly, giving Jeff a soft squeeze. Jeff nodded his head softly. His heart racing as he slowly let himself fall asleep, resting in Bozo's arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2017 ⏰

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