Chapter 43 Memories and boys

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Eyeless jack prov.

Caroline and I walked up a huge hill behind her house.On top of the hill stood a huge oak tree, with an old rope hanging from one of the
branches. I grabbed the rope and climbed up the tree with Caroline right behind me. When I reached the tree branch that held the rope, I climbed on the branch and pulled Caroline up. She took my hand and stepped on the branch. I stood up
with her and looked around the tree.

"You think it's still here?"

Caroline nodded

"Yep no one but us knew about it remember?"

I nodded looking around

"Well that's true. Oh there it is!"

I pointed over to our old tree house. When we were kids we had climbed up this tree and found it. The kids who had built it had grown up
years ago the tree house was abandoned. We knew this because the original kids had craved their names and the date in the side of the tree house. The date said 1975, and the names were Sam and
Wendy. We climbed over branches to our old tree house. Instead of a door there was just an old red
bed sheet we had brought up with us one day.

I pushed the bed sheet aside and walked inside with Caroline right behind me. The house looked like it just like it used too filled with silly board games, adventure and mystery books, and an old pair of
binoculars. On one of the walls pinned to it was an old picture of me and Caroline from when we were kids. We were smiling and
looked both completely normal. I walked up to the picture with a smile

"We were so innocent."

Caroline nodded looking at the picture with a smile. In the picture
we were holding hands and smiling at the very playground were Caroline lost her life.

"We didn't know what was going to happen to us."

Caroline said looking through the old books. I nodded

"At least we have the memories."

Caroline smiled and threw a medium sized red ball at my face. The ball hit me in the face knocking my mask off.


Caroline laughed and picked up the medium sized red ball.

"Remember this?"

She said with a smile as she handed me back my mask. I put my mask back on and looked at the little ball more closely. The red was faded slight but it was very familiar, then it clicked

"I remember this was the ball I would throw at you during

She nodded with a smile

"Yep remember that one time I didn't catch it and ended up hitting Mr. Ergs face."

I laughed remembering

"Yea then he shouted 'who threw this?! Whiling waving it around like crazy."

Caroline laughed

"and when no one would confess, he said that he would throw it away."

"then remember? we snuck in his class during recess to get it back."

"and when we almost got away he came back and saw us running
away with it"

"yelling after us 'YOU CRAZY KIDS!"

I said laughing with Caroline. She smiled and wiped the tears out of her eyes. I handed her the little ball. She tossed it up in the air and caught it with ease.

"all for this little ball, that we got out of a run down toy store."

I nodded

"yep hey remember how we wanted to get a ball so badly that we collected all of the pennies in both our houses?"

SHES MINE (jeff and jane story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora