chapter 37 some advice from caroline

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Jane prov 

I sighed annoyed 

'how did Jeff get that picture? What is he going to make me do ugh'


I jumped slightly and turned to see slenderman. 

 "Hello  do you know where I can go to find someone who I can talk to who doesn't know Jeff?"  

He nodded and held out his hand. I took it, in a flash of light I was in a play ground. It was raining and the playground seemed old. I looked around and no one was there. I rasied an eyebrow. 

  "Why would slenderman take me here?"  

"Well you look like you need someone to talk to."  

I jumped slightly and looked around, seeing no one

  "Where are you?"

  "I'm over here."  

I followed the sound to an old apple tree with a grave stone under it. The grave it self was covered in moss and seemed weathered. I rubbed some of the moss off to read the name. 

  "Caroline broke?"  

"That's me."

  I looked up to see a girl who looked around 16-17 years old. She had plae  skin  with pale blond hair. She had dark blue eyes with pale pink on her cheeks .   She wore a white hospital gown that was  ripped and muddy. She had blood in her hair, some on her face. She smiled and sat under the tree.  

"Wanna talk?"

 I nodded and sat beside her   

"Well first who are you? And what are you doing here?"  

She smiled 

  "My name is caroline broke. i died over there.”

  she pointed over to the slide   

“i came back as a phantom? i truthfully don’t know. i went looking for my family but they moved away. then i went looking for my best friend jack but i couldn’t find him. a few kids came to me one day and told me that he had come to visit me.

  what happened to me was i went looking for jack one day because he had disappeared. i later found out that he was taken by some doctors. i went to find him but when i tried to make them let him go all they did was make it worse. so i tried to break him out and they hurt me too. i came here and jack held me in his arms until i died.”  

i felt tears in my eyes and rage in my chest 

  “this shouldn’t have happened to you. this shouldn’t have happened to anyone.”

  i was shaking now, i felt her rub my back gently.  

  “its ok, relax. I’m guessing that something bad happened to you too.”

  i nodded and told her my story of what happened to me. she nodded understanding when i had finished

    “i understand I’m sorry about what happened. may i ask what happened to this jeff?”

  i nodded 

  “He actually saved me from being strangled by slender man, then after he healed me.  And ever since then he’s been protecting me, we’ve actually become quite close. he’s even told me that he loves me.   He was asleep but he did tell me.we spent a whole night just watching horror movies and talking.i feel safe around him,i think i love him.”  

“aw thats so sweet then if you do love him. you have to tell him.”  

i smiled at her  

“i want, to trust me, but one thing is holding me back. he has a picture of me and him almost.. kissing. and i don’t want that picture to be sent to everyone. so he’s blackmailing me into doing something. i don’t even know what it is, I’m just worried.”  

caroline nodded   

“don’t worry i think i understand. i think what ever Jeff has in store for you won’t be a bad thing. by the sound of it he’s probably just gonna make you go on a date with him or kiss don’t worry just trust that he won’t make you do something completely insane.”  

i nodded and got up.   

“ya i think i will-Ow.”

  caroline giggled as an apple fell on my head.  

“sorry it does that”  

i frowned and rubbed my head. i turned to caroline who was now sitting on top of her own grave stone.  

“oh ya before i forget was this jack you spoke of. did he, after the accident, have brown hair, grey skin and black eyes with liquid coming out of them?”

  carolines eyes widened and nodded   

“yes and a  black hoodie?”  

i nodded, caroline smiled and her whole face let up. 

  “you know him? is he ok? how is he? what has he been doing? is he still single? does he remember me?”  

i smiled   

“one question at a time. yes i know him, yes he’s ok, and he’s been busy. i know he’s single and i don’t know if he remembers you. but he barely ever talks about the past.So you never know, do you want me to bring him here?”  

caroline nodded   

“yes, yes, yes!  please do!”

  i nodded and smiled   

“i will, i will see you again. bye caroline!”  

i waved good bye and walked to the playground.   



he’s standing right beside me, i jumped slightly 

  “i will never get used to that. take me home?”

  he nodded and stuck out his hand. i took it and POP i was back in jeffs room. speaking of the devil, he was lying on his bed. He smirked at the sight of me.  

“hi janie ready to do my bidding?”      

((author’s note))  hey guys i have some bad news. I’m going off somewhere for two weeks where i can’t use technology.  So this is the last update i will post for the next two weeks. when i get back ill post more.  love you all :) -oletoto29

SHES MINE (jeff and jane story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon