chapter 26 A creepy pasta dance?

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Slenderman prov. 

I was standing infront of my window in my office waiting for Jeff to return with jane. i looked over at my grandfather clock on the wall. 3:20 am. i sighed 

“young lovers.”

i shook my head slightly, and continued to wait for them to return. after a few more minutes Jeff’s ghostly white hoodie appeared from the trees. he was carrying something. which i’m pretty sure is jane. i sighed in relief

“YAMN are they home yet?”

i turned to see sally rubbing her sleepy eyes with \one thumb in her month.

she must have stayed awake, waiting for them. i walked over to her and kneeled in front of her. 

“ya they just got home come on its time to go bed.”

i picked her up and walked her to her room. i tucked her in and turned to leave. but she grabbed my hand before i left. i turned to her

“yes sally?”

she smiled sleepily 

“Are Jeff and jane dating?”

i sat down on her bed 

“i truthfully don’t know.”

she  smiled 

“Jeff's likes jane and jane likes Jeff all they need is a little push…how about we organzine a party..yawn no how about a dance that would work.”

she snuggled into her pillow, and closed her eyes. 

i patted her head and walked out of her room. i closed the door behind me.

“hmmm a dance. hmm a dance. a creepy pasta dance. what a wonderful idea."

SHES MINE (jeff and jane story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora