chapter 52 ring around the rosy

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Eyeless jack prov 

  there was a police officer in front of me and one behind me. both looked ready to strike. i duked right before their fists ht my face. i looked up to see both police officers accidentally punch each other in the face. i laughed as i kicked them off their feet. i jumped up and chuckled seeing them both groaning on the floor. 

  “i gotta remember to thank Jeff and laughing jack for teaching me how to fight.”   

i said with a grin.

  “your welcome!”  

i spun around to see laughing jack surround by police officers. i laughed   

“speaking of the devil, need any help laughing?”  

he shook his head and grinned   

“Na I’m good eyeless. wanna see a new move i made up?”  

i shrugged   

“sure, why not?”

  he grinned, and stretched his arms out and started to spin.he spun round and round until he looked like a black and white blur. The police officers around him screamed as they disappeared in to the black and white blur. the laughing jack started to sing  

ring around the rosy   

with pockets full of posies  

he started to slow down   

ashes ashes till they all fall   

he slowly came to a stop   


he said with a grin, my eyes widened. He was surrounded by the bodies of the police officers covered in red.  each one had deep cuts in their chest and all over their bodies. many of them seemed to missing their heads. Laughing jack’s hands were covered in red with red splattered all over his clothes and bits of his hair. he was standing in a pool of red. he smirked at me 

  “impressed eyeless?”  

i nodded and clapped my hands together   

“very impressive laughing.” 

laughing jack chuckled as more police officers came running at us.   

“i call it ring around the rosy.”  

i chuckled and ducked as as one tried to shoot at me.   

“clever name!”   

i shouted over guns firing and the screams that filled the room. Laughing jack nodded as he started throwing the bodies at the in coming police officers. he glanced over his shoulder with a wicked grin on his face.   

 “Yep it makes them all fall down!”  

He yelled over the noise, I laughed kicking a police officer into the wall. I slide my mask up (just to the point where you could my mouth) and bent over one of the bodies.

 “eyeless, get your food after we get all of them.”

  i sighed and looked over to laughing jack who had his arms crossed across his chest. he grinned, i sighed 

  “fine laughing.”  



i glanced over my shoulder to see Jeff giving a jane a hug. i rolled my eyes.

  “really? we’re fighting your lost brother who has army of crazy police officers, who’s trying to kill us AND you choose now to be all lovely dovey?!”   

i yelled at them, then jane slammed Jeff into a wall. i raised an eyebrow   

“talk about mood swings.”  

 i turned around to see caroline giggling. i smiled and wrapped my arms around her.   

“hey stranger.”  

i kissed her forehead, she smiled and hugged me.  


she said as she nuzzled her head into my chest. laughing jack walked over and gave me a look   

“of all times to be coupling eyeless? why now?”  

He said with his eyebrows raised and an evil grin on his face. I pulled Caroline closer to me and gave laughing jack a look.   

“shut up.”  

caroline laughed and stuck her tongue out at laughing jack.

  “ignore‘em jackie, he’s just jealous because his bae ain’t here.”  

  I chuckled and rubbed her back. i turned my head to her and gave her a little kiss on the forehead.

  “i do believe your right babe.”   

she titled her head up to mine, and gazed into my eyes. 

  “wanna make him even more jealous?”  

i chuckled and leaned in slightly.  

“oh yes please.”  

I closed the gape between us,i felt an familiar electric shock through my body. we broke apart and turned to face laughing jack. Who was currently gaging and yelling at us 


  Caroline and I started laughing together, laughing jack joined us after a little bit. i let go of her and put my arm around her shoulder 


  we stopped laughing and spun around to see jane tackling Jeff to the ground with the her knife high in the air above her head. Liu was laughing wickedly, we watched with curious eyes. Liu grinned and started lecturing. i sighed

    “great he’s lecturing.”

  caroline giggled 

  “just like every classic villain, they lecture to the hero about why their doing this and whats their evil plan is.”   

i chuckled   

“yep but in this case Jeff, who’s a killer, is the hero and the villain is a detective.”  

Caroline raised an eyebrow 

  “wow this is like a backward crime TV show."  

We laughed then went back to watching/listening to them. We quickly got bored listening too liu rant, we turned to laughing jack. He rolled his eyes and said 

  “you two are ridiculous, basically Liu’s got jane and jingles under control with those necklaces that there wearing. And he’s going to get jingles to kill bozo and jane to kill Jeff. By the looks of it bozo should be fine holding jingles down. but Jeff maybe in trouble.”

I nodded and looked over to see jane about to stab Jeff.   

“huh ok i’ll handle jane, you heal Jeff and laughing you take of Liu?”  

We nodded and started running towards them. Laughing jack tackled Liu to the ground, I pushed Jane off Jeff and held her down. Caroline ran over to Jeff side who was groaning. Jeff looked over to me jane   

“hey be careful!”  

i chuckled as i knocked jane’s knife out of her hand.   

“tell her that!”  

Caroline laughed and started healing Jeff. Liu struggled in Laughing jack’s arms.   

“Healing him will only prevent what is soon to come! Jane will kill Jeff! jingles will kill bozo! Mark my words they will die!!”    

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