Chapter 45 the police?!?

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Jeff prov.

jane closed her eyes and cuddled up next to me. i smiled feeling that same warm tingling feeling in my chest. i felt my eyes eye s get heavy. i closed my eyes fro a breath moment.The sound of sirens filled the air, my eyes snapped open. I looked around to see the hill completely surrounded by police cars.


They nodded and ran up the hill. I shook jane awake

"Jane come on its time to go!"

She opened her beautiful midnight black eyes. She rubbed her eyes and got up.

"What's going on?"

Sally and BEN ran to us looking scared

"There here for us!"

sally cried BEN nodded

"They heard about some mysterious people running around so when they came to investigate they saw us. They recognized us from all the stories there are about us."

Sally nodded


"There shooting duck!"

We all ducked avoiding the bullets. I got up and grabbed janes hand.

"Come on we have to run!"

Janes eyes widened

"But we could win! We could kill all of them!"

I looked over to BEN and sally

"Well do you two say?"

Sally took BENs hand and shook her head. BEN turned to me

"Its sounds like a lot of fun. But we should leave."

I looked to jane with a smile

"Sorry Janie but we're going to have to have our little murder spree later. Right now we gotta get out of here!"

Jane nodded and looked over her shoulder. She squeezed my hand and started running with me right behind her. I looked over to see BEN and sally running right behind us.


I pushed jane out of the way so she wouldn't get shot.


I felt like my leg was on fire. I felt an enormous pain in my leg. It felt like the bone in my leg had shattered into a million pieces. I screamed and fell to the ground. I looked down at my leg to see it covered in red.


I muttered and winced


I looked up to see a very worried jane. She dropped to her knees in front of me. She looked down at my leg then back up to me.

"Can you walk?"

I tried to stand up but putting any weight on my leg is unbearable. I fell to the ground.



I felt a bullet rip through my shoulder. I could feel the blood gushing out from the new wound. I started to feel light headed, i looked to jane who looked scared, not for herself but for me. She pulled me to a huge oak tree to shield us from the bullets. I looked around for BEN and sally. Then i saw a flash of green and pink running away from us. I pushed jane away from me.

"Jane run! Leave me i can't walk with my leg like this."

Jane looked at me with wide eyes

"Im not going to leave you jeff!"

" jane you have too! Jane i cant lose you again! so you have to live!"


"They're getting closer! Jane you have to go now!"

"Jeff i won't leave you!"

"There over here!!"

A police officer close to us called to the others i looked up to jane.


Jane shook her head and pulled out her knife, ready to fight.

"I won't leave you Jeff."

The police officers crashed through the bushes and branches of the oak tree. they didn't seem to notice me, but they defiantly did see Jane. The first two saw her first

"there she is! there is Jane the killer!!"

Jane grinned and held her knife in a fighting stance. Three of them went after here at once. the first two went at her head on but the last one snuck up behind her. Jane was distracted by the first two, my eyes widened


Jane spun around only to have her knife knocked out of her hand. Two of the officers grabbed her, two more officers came out from behind the trees and grabbed me. Jane struggled in the arms of the two officers she was able to get one arm out. she reach towards me,


i was losing to much blood, i fell to my knees.


i felt my eyes get heavy i fell to the ground and closed my eyes. The last thing i heard was Jane screaming my name.

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