chapter 31 caroline's story

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eyeless jack prov

i sighed

"do you really want to know?"

BEN nodded smirking

"yep, tell all."

i sighed

"ok but you can't tell anyone."

BEN nodded and gave me his undivided attention.

"ok so the story begins when i was 5 years old. i first met her on the last day of school. i was by my self in this run down play ground that we had next to my school. i had my hands in my pockets and at point i was a complete normal little boy with brown hair and brown eyes. i remember i saw something under the slide.

i think it was a lock of blond hair, well what ever it was. i looked under the slide and found a little girl with wavy blond hair and dark blue eyes. She looked like someone had roughened her up. Her light blue teeshirt was ripped and muddy, her white shorts were exactly the same. she was curled up in a ball, she looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

"are you going to make fun of me too?"

i shook my head and sat in front of her.

"i would never do that. what happened?"

She told me all about this group of bullies who had hurt her and made fun of her because she was new.i remember telling her that we would get back at them, and we did just that. we filled water balloons with mud and threw at the bullies who were so cruel to her. After that day me and her met back at the slide. she smiled for the first time since I've know her, it lit her whole face her self up it made her glow. she stuck out her hand

"i'm caroline."

i took her hand and shook it

"im jack."

thats how our relation ship started. we became best friends, we told each other everything. years later when we were teenagers But after my accident, i remember i went looking for her.

I ran to her house but now one was there. i ran around the town looking for her, it started to pour. but that didn't stop me. Then i ran to the one place where i know she would be. I ran to the playground where we first met. Under the slide is where she was she was sheltered from the rain. she was shaking and her blond hair was covered in blood. she was wearing a white dress that was covered in mud and blood. My eyes widened

"caroline what happened to you?"

i pulled her to me her eyes we closed, i shook her.


she opened her eyes i smiled and held her close

"jack...i know its you... even with your new eyes...i know your voice...i went looking for you....the doctors..wouldn't let me in....i told them..i wanted to see you..i knew something was... wrong....i told them i wouldn't leave until i told them i would tell.. people about what would happen...they told me i would never leave..."

she began to cry i held her close rubbing her back.she kept talking she began to cough up blood on my black hoodie.

"they took me to a white room and...and... they hurt me.."

i held her

"its ok you don't need to tell me. Come on we must get you to the hospital."

she didn't reply, i looked down at her, her eyes closed.


i shook her she opened her eyes for a brief second.

"jack...i love.. you..."


i shook her, she didn't move, she turned limp in my arms i began to cry. i held her in my arms crying into her bloody hair.

"please don't leave me, caroline i need you. please. i love you."

i held her tight, i kissed her forehead knowing she was long gone. I buried her under a tree that was next to the play ground. i told her family where she was and they payed to have an grave stone for her. i still vist her every few years.

last time i went he kids at the playground told me about a girl who would stand by the grave and watch them play. they told me when they tried to talk to her but every time she would just walk around the tree and disappear.i keep trying to vist her so i can see her too. but every time i try and she doesn't come. the little kids told me that she would say jack. one told me he saws her she was under the slide. he said she was waiting for someone."

"she was waiting for you."

i jumped i had forgotten that he was here. i nodded

"she was."

"so why haven't you gone to her?"

i looked down my brown hair covering my black eyes

"It was my fault that she died, if i hadn't let the doctors take me. i could have saved her."

BEN shock his head

"You couldn't have, she went after you because she loved you and didn't want you to die. she cared for you to the point where she gave her life for you."

i looked up at him with tears in my eyes

"i could have saved her she didn't have to die."

BEN patted my back

"she loved you. is this why you haven't had any girlfriends?"

i nodded

"beacise i still love her."

"then go to her, I'm gong to the girl i l-love. you should go to her."

i nodded, got up and began to walk out of the room

"tell everyone i'll be gone for a while."

"shall i say where?"

i shook my head

"tell them i went to vist an old friend."

SHES MINE (jeff and jane story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang