Chapter 61 the boys need some help

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Even if i will I will never admit this, I awoke with a soft whimper. Yet everything around me was black thanks to the fabric tied around my head. I tried to voice my annoyance only to realize my mouth was also covered. My wrists were tied behind my back, I was sitting on the cold hard ground. I struggled in my bonds trying to see if I could get free. The ropes were too tight, no problem I can use my blade. I shuffled around then growled against my gag. I do NOT like people taking my blade. I heard movement behind me, I turned my head automatically even though I still couldn't see or speak.

"Jeff?is that you?" Called all too familiar voice. Bozo! I let out a loud whine against my gag meaning it was me. Bozo chuckled, I felt his gloved hands slid my gag down my face

"How come you have your hands free?" I asked with an angry pout. Then his fingers pushed the blindfold away from eyes. He tossed the fabric away.

"Not exactly free." He muttered. I blinked softly, My bright ice blue eyes glittered as I looked to Bozo's form. Bozo was sitting across from me. His wrists were tied in front of him, but instead of rope he had iron chains. His legs were in chained together, his red hair ruffled. His glowing eyes narrowed

"Randall must have knocked me out, how did you get taken?" He asked, his eyes explored the room. On closer inspection, we realized that we were in a basement. Most likely in the basement of the same hospital they had just broken into. I looked down at my feet

"One of the nurses, she jabbed a needle in my throat." I let out another whine, My neck ached. Bozo Hissed, he didn't like the idea of someone hurting his friend. 

"I call taking down that Nurse." Bozo practically growled. I couldn't help but grin 

"If i can help, Any luck on finding any information?"I asked, Bozo shook his head.

"All I discovered was that randall has got to be one of the messiest people I have ever met and that he is an insane fanboy. He has a shrine for his mentor." Bozo explained with a roll of his eyes. I let out a loud laugh, 

"Oh my. Never thought I would have the Pleasure of meeting a fanboy. Jane usually takes care of them for me. So I never get to meet them." Jeff chuckled looking around, Bozo laughed 

"That is not a bad thing. The last time I met a fangirl she tried to convince me that if I wouldn't marry you, Then I simply must marry her instead" Bozo sighed dramatically, Then he started to laugh, I joined in at that. Our booming laughter filled the room, bouncing off the walls. 

"Why does everyone want to marry us?" I laughed out, Bozo grinned brightly. 

"Perhaps it's our devilish good looks?~" he purred, which only made me laugh more. The loud clang of a metal door opening echoed through the room, but that didn't stop our laughter. Randall came scurried down the stairs, Only our laughter slowly turned down to soft chuckles. 

"Oh my Jeff! the Fanboy has joined us!" Bozo barked out with a loud laugh, I snorted at this. My chest heaving as my head fell back. I laughed even more as he noticed Randall scowling at us as he approached. 

"will you two shut up? It's not a bad thing to admire someone who is famous, important and intelligent!  and-" Randall rambled, While Bozo and I laughed

"Nothing is wrong with loving a celebrity but you take it to a whole new level." Bozo shook his head, his blood red hair falling into his bright yellow eyes. I laughed at that, Randall growled defensively 

"It doesn't matter what I do! What I want to know is why did you break in to my hospital? and How did you two know I was even here? This place has been abandoned for years." 

Randall's eyes narrowed suspiciously  as he looked down at the two of us. At this i smirked

"Oh please forgive me, But even as a someone who is as insane as me, I have the freedom of speech here. I feel no reason to answer any of your questions," I purred, sending a kiss to him. Randall scowled at me. 

"Then you to will rot down here. Or even better, You Two can become my new two favorite patients. Nurse! Prepare the examination room! we have two new guests for us who desperately need our help." He purred Spinning on his heal. four large men came down the steps, two for me, two for Bozo.  Our men dragged us up to your feet, They started pulling us up the stairs. They started to drag me away from Bozo. 

"Bozo!" i called to him, Feeling my heart beat quicken. I could make it through this but I would need one of my best friends with me as I did. Bozo snarled at the men who held him, He struggled against their grip, trying to get to me. 

"Jeff! Don't tell them anything!" he yelled to me as they pushed him into a room. I gasped as they pushed me into another room. They shoved me against a large bed, they untied my bonds, they chained me to the bed. I struggled against my bonds. 

"Let me Go!" he screamed, The same nurse came in, she came in with that same large needle from last time. 

"Just relax, This won't hurt a bit" 

SHES MINE (jeff and jane story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang