chapter 17 murderous love

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eyeless jack prov

"and you love him"

jane looked down her face red but she seemed deep in thought. she turned over so that her legs were now dangling off the table.

'when are theses two gonna realize that they are made for each other?'


i looked over to see Jeff who destroyed my door. With hoody and masky on each side trying to restrain him.

"masky hoody its ok you can let go ill give you your cheesecake later now go."

they nodded and left. Jeff ran over to jane, he's ice blue eyes filled with worry.

"are you ok?"

jane who's face was still red nodded I grinned. Jeff turned to me

"how is she?"

"You o me a new door. And she'll be fine, but she needs a lot of sleep. And care, so Jeff your in charge of her until she gets better."

Jeff nodded, jane blushed and sent me death glare.I chuckled and added

"oh, and since she needs bed rest and she's doesn't have a room yet... i guess she's stuck in your room Jeff."

jane blushed redder than a tomato and sent me a look that i swear if looks could kill id be a goner.

"oh ya are you all gonna tell slederman what shadow did to jane?"

jeff nodded and then grinned evily

"Yep right after LJ, BEN and sally are done with then what ever left of him well give to slendy."

i shudder

"LJ? BEN? and sally? there wont be anything left.. I'll join in"

i smiled and picked up my scapel. i pointed to jeff and jane.

"jeff go tell slender what happend and take jane with you. i dont want her by her self she might try to go on a killing spree and in the state shes in now.. I dont think she'd make it."

Jeffs face turned serious then turned an playful eye to jane.

"well then ill just wont let you out of my sight."

jane blushed but looked alittle annoyed

"I would be fine besides i dont need your protection jeff"

jane crossed her arms ,Jeff smriked then put his hands on table,on her left and right side, trapping her. he moved his face so that they were inches apart.

"are you sure about that?"

janes face was red by the closeness of their faces, and she tryed not to look his eyes

"ya im pretty sure."

jeff grinned and picked up jane and tossed her over his shoulder then ran out of the room.



i sighed and walked out of my room

"young murderous love so sweet."

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