Chapter 58 time to go

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Jingles prov.
Jane smirked slipping down from the window sill, I smiled climbing after her. I turned carefully closing window, as to not make a sound. I took Jane's hand helping her across the roof. When we reached the edge of the roof we peaked across seeing the garden two stories below. Close by was a huge oak tree with strong branches. I stepped on one of the branches pulling Jane along with me. I had to go slowly as we climbed down. Jane was still getting used to walking after being asleep so long. Her legs were still a little wobbly but she has enough strength to walk. I reached the end of the tree first waiting as Jane shimmed down the tree. As so as she hit the ground she fell forwards luckily I was there to catch her. I giggled

"Are you sure you're ready for this?"

I asked my hands on her waist keeping her steady. Jane nodded shakily

"I-I'll be fine... Just help me walk to the garden. I've been in that hospital way too long."

She huffed, I giggled again. Jane hated being like this, she loved being in the action not on the sidelines. I helped her over to a stone bench in the middle of the garden. I kept her steady by having one hand on her waist while the other was holding her hand. I gently pushed her down, making her sit on the bench.

"Now what do you remember of that night; that night when you chased Jeff through that concert. Do you remember what the town name by any chance?"

I asked sitting beside her. Jane nodded slowly; her ghostly white skin seemed to glow softly in the moon light. Her long black curls swaying in the breeze.

"Its name was witching broke; they said it was best for patients who need mental help. I remember because one of the police officers was saying how not even their best doctor could save me."

She laughed her eyes glittered in the darkness

"which is silly, because their best doctor apparently couldn't save any of his patients."

Jane shivered soflty the breeze making her skin pickle softly. I rolled her eyes

"Doctors these days, so do you think jeff be there?"

I asked curiously Jane shook her head

"No, it has to be something with the concert, Even the rose means something. It's just I don't know what yet. Could you and I go to the stage where the concert was? Or the spot where it was?"

She asked, her eyes filled with determination. I smiled softly

"we could maybe when you can walk by your self."

I chuckled, Jane rolled her eyes giggling softly.

"We could borrow a car? Just leave jack and Caroline a note?"

She asked. I could tell she couldn't stand another day waiting for Jeff to come home. She was exactly a wait for your Prince Charming kind of girl. If anything she was more of a take action kind of girl, even if she was still weak. I smiled

"Well I do miss bozo. Well sounds good to me. I'll go write Caroline and jack and note. You go get dressed. It's time to go find our boys. "

I stood up helping Jane up. Jane and I climbed back up the tree. Slipping quietly back inside Janes hospital room. I grabbed a piece of paper writing a note to jack and Caroline. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jane slip on her signature black dress, and long black boots. I placed the note on Janes hospital bed. Jane slipped out the window climbing down the tree. Slowly and carefully, since she wasn't fully recovered. I slipped after her, careful to close the window. I slipped down after Jane, we walked through the forest silently. I felt a shiver shot to my spine, someone was following us. I growled softy grabbing James wrist. Jane glanced at me, her eyes meeting mine. Her own pure black eyes widened, she pulled out her knife from her boot.

We looked around my back pressed against hers so who ever was following us couldn't attack from behind. I heard a wicked laugh, a wicked yet familiar laugh. I turned my head to the owner of the laugh and in tree sat Sally and BEN. BEN had been the one to laugh, Sally simply had giggled. BEN smirked

"Making a killing spree, lady's?"

He asked playfully, I smiled feeling a bit more at ease. I turned to them

"Naw, of to find the boys. They've been gone to long. Wanna come?"

I asked, BEN was good at getting Into places and sally was very good at getting information. The two little kids nodded

"Sure! Mr.slender has given us very good missions lately."

Sally pouted softly, she climbed down the tree with BEN jumping down beside her. BEN shrugged

"I'm bored soo lets go."

He grinned, Jane rolled her eyes smiling softy.

"Okay but guys this isn't going to be an easy job."

She warned them, BEN smirked

"Great! Besides nothing we do is really safe."

He said with a grin as he adjusted his
Hat. Sally shrugged

"Eh why not? First things first is it okay if we get a car I'm to lazy to walk."

She asked smiling innocently.

"Well we can't buy one.."

I said putting my hand under my chin. I smirked an evil idea coming to mind.

"That doesn't mean we can't borrow."

SHES MINE (jeff and jane story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora