Sticking Together

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[I'm having a lot of fun writing this and I'm hoping you like reading it! <3]
~Third person~
Suddenly, they were interrupted by a familiar voice. "H-Hello, can you hear me? Is this working? It's me, Allura" they then heard another voice blurt out "And Pidge!!!" Lance and Keith weren't expecting that so they both jumped slightly. They heard Shiro's voice in the background "Is it working?" Hunk replied with "of course it is. I repaired it!" Pidge laughed and elbowed hunk, getting a small, confused look out of him. It took them both a while to fully understand what was happening. When they understood, they both yelled in unison "GET US OUT OF HERE!! PLEASE!" Allura let out a small sigh "Well, I guess, we started you out too small. I just thought it'd make the process go faster... well, let's test it out for a while longer. After you eat anyway..." the walls expanded while Keith and Lance immediately shot back into the now expanded corners, blushing a little. Pidge quickly put a hand up to her mouth, muffling out her small laugh. Keith heard Pidge and growled.

Suddenly, two medium-sized squares formed on the ceiling in front of them both. It was almost as if the two rectangular shapes were being drawn.

Before they knew it, the panels had dropped down a bowl for each of them. It was food. It was special food made by hunk from the planet they were on last. Keith and lance looked at each other and then back at the food. By this time, the shapes had disappeared and they were eating the alien dinner provided for them.

When they finished eating, the ceiling made a circular shape rather than square. The circle sucked up their empty bowls and then they heard speaking again. "Ok, you guys? How's it going?" Shiro's voice sounded somewhat concerned. "Don't worry Shiro, they're fine, I've got this under control." Allura said, reassuring Shiro, "anyway, you guys, the room you're in is going to turn back." Keith was confused and blurted out, "What do you mean?!" Allura sighed and then they couldn't hear her, or anyone else.

Keith and Lance looked at each other. They stared at each other for a few minutes before they were interrupted.

The walls started closing in again. Keith and Lance didn't know what to do but sit in their corners as the got brought closer together. "W-Wait!!! Allura!" Keith tried calling out to Allura or the others but the speakers were off. They couldn't hear them. They were slowly getting closer again and they wanted it to stop, but they didn't know how to make it stop. When they got to the size it was before, they sat crammed into their corners, staying as far away from each other as possible.

The others had turned off the speakers, but were watching the two and Pidge got an idea "Push them together again!!" Allura laughed at Pidge's idea.

Keith was staring at Lance and he was staring back. Both of the two looked tired. They were. Suddenly, something came out of the corner behind Lance and he fell on top of Keith. "What the hell, Idiot?!" Keith blushed a little, but Lance couldn't see because his head was on Keith's shoulder. Keith tried to push him off but he wouldn't budge. Lance was too heavy and Keith was too embarrassed. Lance wrapped his arms around Keith tightly. Keith blushed some more and stared at Lance.

Lance was asleep...
And Keith wrapped his arms around Lance, knowing he wouldn't find out...

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