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[Ok!~ Hey guys, I'm glad you're reading this! I hope you like it! •^•]
~Third person~
   Lance's eyes widened and he looked at Keith. Keith was still asleep. Lance sighed and became a little disappointed. He hugged Keith tight and noticed his own heart was beating fast.

~Keith's Dream. Again~
Keith responded to Lance with "I won't. I love you lance." And Lance wrapped his arms around Keith, holding him tightly.

   Lance kissed the top of Keith's head and pet his hair. Keith blushed and buried his face in Lance's chest.

   "Aww~" Keith's mother interrupted them and they looked over, blushing. "S-sorry mom" Lance kissed Keith's cheek one more time and then looked back at Keith's parents. Keith and Lance were still secretly holding hands under the table. "It's fine dear. Your father and I were all lovey dovey at one point too. We still can be sometimes~" Keith leaned and layed his head on Lance's shoulder. Lance placed his own onto Keith's head. "Thank you for your blessings, I'm glad you accept us." Lance smiled at them and they nodded in return, smiling at the two.

~Back to Reality once again~
   Lance was worried about it. His heart was beating pretty quickly but... he couldn't say for sure why it was pounding like that. Keith shifted in his sleep and hugged him tighter. Lance smiled and kissed Keith's head. "You're cute Keith. Stay asleep for just a little while longer, alright?" Lance glanced at Keith who's face was buried in his chest "Lance..." Keith mumbled Lance's name and Lance blushed and sat there for awhile when they were interrupted.

   "Keith? Lance? This is Pidge." Pidge had been left in charge of watching them and everyone else came to check in on how they were every once in awhile. "Can you hear me Lance?" Pidge sighed. He had finally fallen asleep with Keith.

   Pidge sighed and rested her chin on her hand, turning off the speakers. "They can eat later..." Pidge was just watching them cuddle for awhile, occasionally moving around a bit. She watched them for what seemed like hours and thought it was adorable before she started to doze off.

   Just as she was falling asleep, Shiro walked up behind her. "Hey pidge, how's it going?" Pidge flipped out at the sudden question and fell out of her chair.

   Shiro laughed and helped her up. "Are you alright Pidge?" Pidge nodded and blushed. Pidge was falling asleep when she was watching them. She found it embarrassing to be caught by Shiro. Hunk would have been alright, and allura would have understood... but Shiro of all people... Maybe he didn't notice?
   "Uhh, Pidge? Are you tired? Didn't you watch them all night too? Do you need to sleep? I could switch if you want some rest."

   He noticed... "uhhh, no, I'm fine... I just need to move around a bit. I was sitting still for too long." Shiro sighed "well, that's fine. Would you like to take a walk around the castle? I can take over for you while you do." Pidge nodded. "Yeah, thanks." Pidge turned away from Shiro and blushed. Wow, that was pretty embarrassing. Pidge didn't understand why though. It was probably just because it's unlike her to do that kind of thing. Shiro was just worried.

   Pidge walked slowly around the castle and ran into a wall. "Heh... maybe I do need a little sleep..." Pidge found a small corner and sat down. She thought about some things before falling asleep.

   Shiro watched Lance and Keith just lay there together. He understood why Pidge was getting tired. He remembered when she fell off her chair. He felt bad for laughing but he just thought it was cute. It was his fault she fell anyway...

    Allura and Coran where walking down the halls talking about Altea or voltron... something like that... when they saw Pidge sitting in a corner. Her face was down so they couldn't tell she was sleeping. "Coran, do you think she's sad?" Coran did the usual and then walked over "you alright there?" She didn't move. Allura walked over and looked at Pidge, realizing she was asleep. "Oooh, Coran, leave her be, she's asleep. Well maybe we should take her to her room."

   Allura and Coran took Pidge to her room and layed her down. "She was watching Keith and Lance wasn't she? Who is now?" Coran and Allura went to make sure somebody was watching them at least.

When they got there...
No one was watching Keith and Lance...

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