Chapter 2

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Herobrine,a non-human being,existed for a very long time,in his castle he was pacing back and forth in his master bedroom,he pondered as he had a worried expression on his face. His mobs were standing in line,clueless of what was wrong with their leader,Herobrine.

He spoke;

"This is all my fault...why didn't I do something? Just why? Steve could be anywhere all alone and scared at this very moment." he said.

He stopped and looked up at his mobs.

"Well don't stand there! I want you all to search for him,now! I don't care how long or how tired,please find him!" he shouts,as he threw them out of the door with his god-like ability.

The zombies and skeletons,even creepers mobs fled away as they obeyed their master's order himself.

Herobrine sighed,as he walked down the steps and enter the throne room to see his wither skeletons are guarding his throne. He walked down to his throne and climbed up his seat and sat down.

He mutters to himself.

"If Steve isn't found by 24hrs,I'll find him myself if I have to..."

As time went by,he waited and waited for their return with Steve. But it was all for nothing. They never return.

Herobrine grew impatience.

The time falls to midnight,he looked at the clock once more and sighed.

"This is getting boring..I guess I have to look for him myself." he mutters to himself.

He got off his throne and vanished in thin air.

Herobrine once appeared in the overworld,his glowing eyes bright through the night,he began to walk into the dark forest to search for Steve.

"He has to be here...he has to be somewhere that I respawn at?"

HeroSteve:Forbidden LoveWhere stories live. Discover now