Chapter 10

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Steve stood by the door,await for Notch's answer. Notch shook his head and told Steve to let Herobrine rest. Steve refused,he wants to see Herobrine.

Notch sighed and still telling him not to bother him,so he took Steve's hand and teleported him back home.

“Wha-What?! No. You can't do this to me. Please Notch." Said Steve.

Notch look away from Steve and spoke.

“You being with Herobrine is far too dangerous." He said as he vanished in front of Steve's eyes.

Steve dropped down on his knees,tears were beginning to form as he cried.

“It isn't fair." He said as he sobbed.

(Festival Time,Flashback)

Steve is petting his sheep and cow,wearing his festival outfit,he told his animals he'll be back tonight. He went inside the house and grabbed his white hat and put it on his head,then he look at the mirror one last time before leaving.

In The mirror,it shown Herobrine instead of him,he gasped and drop down on the floor as he is on the ground,an hand was reach out from the mirror.

Steve's eyes were wided up opened in fear,he was about to scream but the figure out his finger on his lips to shush him.

Steve were shivering from his head and toe,he couldn't believe his eyes. He seen a myth mob.

“Do you know who I am?" He asked.

Steve nodded.

He heard of Herobrine because of the books he read from a library. People believe that Herobrine doesn't exist but now he does.

Steve was in fear,tears streaming down his cheeks,Herobrine tile his head in confused and kneed down to Steve,Steve closed his eyes as he felt Herobrine's hand on his cheek.

He opened his eyes and looked at Herobrine's face.

He was about to ask what does he want but Herobrine pulled Steve closely,and whispered in his ear.

“I'll make you mine,I don't care what they have to say~" he said in a lustful tone.

Steve blushed slightly as he was released from Herobrine and he disappeared.

Steve seen a note on the floor as he looked down,grabbing the note.

Don't forget about me,Stevie.

[Flashbacks Ends]

Herobrine woken up in the night,Once he is awaken,he seen three figures around the bed.

He gasped as he seen Null and dreadlord and Entity 303.

He couldn't sit up as Entity 303 pushed him down with a smirk on his face as he glitch into Steve to continue the torture.

“Stop,please! I beg of you." He said.

“Don't make us laugh,you betray us,you suppose to kill him,he can't respawn,he is created by Notch,a clone version of you,a better version of you." Said Null.

“But i-"

“But nothing,you can't fell in love with a copy. You can't love anything,we mobs aren't suppose to be loved. We are monsters. No feelings." Said Dreadlord.

“You had one job,and you screw it up Herobrine,it was a good plan and you screw it up. Next time we can go for Dreadlord's plan." Said Null.

Dreadlord nodded.

HeroSteve:Forbidden LoveWhere stories live. Discover now