Chapter 3

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The Zombies,one of the zombies roam around the forest in search of the human,Steve. They searched everywhere. Eventually they come upon a cave. There was a human. A human is sleeping peacefully. They were confused,so they entered the cave and saw a human wearing identity clothing to Herobrine,it was Steve. He is sleeping on solid ground in the cave.

The two zombies slowly stretched their heads,and tried to figure out how to bring their leader to him,then they had an idea. They groan,and communicate with each other while Steve is sleeping.

So,the zombies called out Herobrine while chanting in harmony without waking up the human being. Herobrine was summoned in the cave,he turned to the zombies and sighed.

"What is it? Did you find him? If not,do not waste my time. Do you understand?" he said in a stern tone.

They were nervous at their leader but they nodded,they slowly pointed towards a sleeping human being that seemed to be Steve.

Herobrine was in glee,he was happy.

"S-S-Steve." he whispered to himself.

The Zombies were pushed by Herobrine,as they saw their leader kneel down to Steve. They groaned,and spoke in their own language to Herobrine. Herobine turned his head 360,and spoke;

"Of course,here's your reward." he said.

He turned his head back to normal to stare at Steve as two golden apples,and a bag of human flesh appeared out of nowhere in front of the zombies. The zombies were happy with their reward,and left the cave as Herobrine snapped his fingers,and used magic on them to his castle,and along with their reward.

Sudden movement from Steve,he woke up a bit slowly from his nap. He opened up his eyes slowly as his eyes were met with a man wearing black clothing,and white glowing eyes. Steve snapped,opened his eyes,and screamed. He moved back away from him,then pulling out an iron pickaxe from his inventory. He pointed at his weapon at Herobrine in fear.

This made Herobrine confused,his eyebrows lowered,and he try to reach out to Steve with his hand but Steve didn't want him to come near him.

"S-S-Stay away from me!"

Herobine stood up,and stood. He walked up to Steve,and still has his arm out to Steve,letting him a hand. But Steve was frightened,he threw the pickaxe at him but as quickly as Herobrine is. The god used his ability to prevent from getting hurt,an attack from Steve.

He was concerned.

"Steve....why are you trying to hurt me? I was worried about you,I looked for you for hours...I thought you were dead."

Steve didn't even focus on his face,all he could think of seeing was a monster right in front of him that could kill him. He cannot be trusted. He isn't human.

"H-H-How do you know me? Who the hell are you..?!" he asked,shouting.

The cave echos,as he shouts. The bats flew,and came out of the cave.

"You..don't know who i am? It's me,Herobrine I-"

Steve interrupted him,and shouted.

"I don't know anyone by that name! I don't know who you are! You are nothing but a monster that could kill me and I won't be killed by you!"

Steve got himself up,and pushed Herobrine aside to the ground,as he rushed out of the cave. Herobrine fell to the ground,and was confused. He touched his head with his left hand,then cried a bit from his eyes. He felt hurt by his lover,Steve.

A Monster.

Herobrine got himself up,and stood up by one leg,and shouted from the top of his lungs.

"Wait..don't leave me...NO! MOBS GET HIM!"


Steve runs and runs without looking back,but he knows he can hear some mobs chasing him from behind. His heart races in fear. He went into his inventory as he ran and pulled out a sword to armed himself,to protect himself.

He kept running and running as he soon went behind a random tree to catch his breath. The mobs went by the tree as they were running straight to search,and capture Steve.

Steve thought he was safe,he looked back as he caught his breath and noticed a tall black figure in front of him. He and the mob stared at each other for a moment,they both froze. He remembers that cannot look away or blink from this figure,he has no idea what this creature is,he has never seen it before.

This creature is known as the Enderman.

The Endermen stared with their purple gaze at Steve. Then,suddenly. Steve blinked his eyes for the second. Onces he opened up his eyes,he realized he was in another dimension. He screamed,as he saw more mobs roaming around,and lava flowing from the ceiling,and the ground. There was a forest,and some pigs with weapons on them and holding gold in the distance.

Steve screams,as he echoes throughout the entire Nether. The Endermen let him go,as it teleported away. Steve quickly panics as he runs and runs to look for an exit. He searched for a place to hide,so he discovered a castle in the distance. He quickly runs,and tries to avoid lava,fire and mobs once he enters the castle.

Once he entered the castle,as it opened. He then closed the door behind himself without having mobs chasing him down but without his realization there were mobs inside the castle. He finally noticed some skeletons,pigs and endermans and creepers.

Steve panics,and screams.

The mobs saw Steve,and charged towards him like going to attack him as if the castle was being invaded.


A voice was heard,it echoed in the castle. The mobs stopped midway as they turned their heads. The footsteps echo as it shows Herobrine. The mobs looked at Steve,then at Herobrine,they bowed down to Herobrine to their position.

"Leave us." he said.

The mobs looked up and spoke in their own language,and understood their orders from their leader.

Herobrine,and Steve come face to face,neither of them saying a word. It was silent as lava flows surrounding the castle.

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