Chapter 4

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Herobrine,and Steve stared at one another. Eventually Herobrine spoke up;

"Stevie. I am so glad you have returned,but why are you running away from me? Are you angry at me?" he asked.

Steve was scared,he was terrified. He couldn't come up with a word for himself to say to him. He is in front of a monster who could kill him.


Steve quickly turned back away from Herobrine,and was preparing to run away again but Herobrine teleported him and himself to his throne room,as Herobrine had him on his lap.

"Steve,don't run away again."

This frightened Steve,he jumped slightly on Herobrine's lap. He pushed Herobrine,and got out of his lap.

"Answer me.." he said.

Steve grew angry,a bit mad instead of being scared. It was odd..

"Of course I am mad! I am angry that you kidnapped me! Take me out of here now! I don't belong here!"

Steve shouted throughout the castle as it echoed,he was angry,and frustrated.

so,Steve walked away from Herobrine,walking towards the door.

Herobrine reached over to Steve with his hand,and he felt his heart breaking.

"You can't leave me..." he whispered.

Herobrine teleported to Steve before he could reach the door,blocking him then using a sealed magic to keep the door shut.

"You aren't leaving,it's too dangerous for you." he said.

"No! No! Get out of my way! You are dangerous,so stay away from me!" he shouted.

Herobrine sighed,and shook his head.

"You are taking me to the overworld now! I do not belong here! I am not living with a monster!" he shouted once more.

Herobrine sighed,he felt sorrowful,and pain. He had no other choice but to listen,so he unsealed the door and let Steve go. He let Steve out of the castle. Then,Herobrine pointed him to the nearest portal,he insisted on coming with him to the portal but Steve refused.

"Don't come near me!" he shouted.

Herobrine watches Steve from a distance as he sees him entering the portal in silence. He had tears streaming down his cheeks as he watched. He noticed that Steve didn't even look at him or even look back.

"He doesn't love me...or even trust me...why? I don't understand..." he said underneath his breath.

It's all my fault.

The Zombies,and the skeletons come by to their leader,and try to comfort him but he wouldn't budge or say a word. It was silent. He was just sad.

"Wh-Why did I do this..?"

Then he suddenly smiled on his face,he had an idea and it made him slightly happy.

"I-If we can't be together,i may as well watch's not like i am stalking him." he mutters.

The skeletons,and the wither skeletons looked at each other,then they gave a worried expression. They asked their lord,and master to not go through with this idea and suggested that Herobrine could give Steve some space,like a time for himself.

But Herobrine laughs to himself. He rather not listen to his mobs,or the skeletons to whatever they have to say. So he grabbed one of their heads,and gripped it with his hand,then its skull was smashed,shattered into bits of pieces, then proceeded to break every bone from the mob. He looked at the other mob,and laughed. He continued to break them into pieces and watched them turn into ashes.

HeroSteve:Forbidden LoveWhere stories live. Discover now