Chapter 6

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Herobrine was speaking to his brother,Notch. But Notch as a god of Minecraft disappeared before his eyes. Herobrine couldn't believe that his older sibling is actually stepping up to help him,but will it work?

"N-Notch...wait come back. Don't do this! I don't want to be responsible for you..-"

Before he could say a word,Herobrine covered up his mouth with his own hands,he was sweating in fear. Scared. He is worried about Notch now.

"Nononononono." he said repeatedly over and over in his thoughts.

He quickly used his powers to teleport but it wasn't working properly.

"W-What is going on..? Why are my powers not working...?" he said.

Then,suddenly. His door was opened,and slammed shut behind by three skeletons. They were scared,and panicking to themselves. Herobrine looked and noticed the three of them were damaged,they're skulls were cracked.

"What happened?" he asked.

One of them looked at each other,and stepped up to Herobrine. They saluted their leader,and got down on one knee,looking up at him. They told them that he had arrived at the castle. He is here,and waiting.

"What does he want..?"

-In The Overworld-

In the overworld,Steve looked back at the nether portal. The portal made its appearance behind his home. Then he shook some trees to get some apples to eat. He then ate the apples one by one till he wasn't starving,then he heard a dog barking. He turned his head to see the dog was barking right next to another tree. The dog ran away from Steve,then Steve followed the dog as it was barking happily like it loved to be chased.

So,Steve put some of his appes in his inventory and continued to follow the dog. Once he came out of the forest. He noticed the dog stopped,and to see the dog being petted by some figure. He noticed this figure and tried to recognize him but he had a headache trying to remember.

"T-This hurts..."

The man noticed Steve,as he patted the dog's ears,and fur. He gave the dog a treat like a bone. As Steve was having a headache,the man approached him and healed him with magic. Once his headache was gone,he was puzzled how this man could fix his headache.

Steve blinked his eyes twice,and took a step back a bit further from him.

"Hello Steven." he said.

Steve continued to be confused,as he firstly went into his inventory and pulled out his iron sword and pointed his sword at this stranger that he never interacted with before.

"Really now,is that how you say hello to your own father..." he said.

"W-Who are you?! I never met you before! And you are no father of mine,I have recollection of may look familiar to me but you aren't a father..." said Steve.

"My poor Steve,what have they done to you..and you completely forgot about me. Well,I am Notch. The creation of Minecraft,and I'm known to be a god,my home is like heaven,like in the skies...and to tell you the truth,I am your father."

"A god..? My father..? No no no,I don't believe you. And I'm not buying it,you are lying to me." he said.

Steve then walked away from him,and he kept on walking.

"I'm not gonna listen to you." he said.

Notch realized that he has Herobrine's old attitude,so he followed Steve and appeared in front of him with his powers.

"You're just like him.." said Notch.

Steve stopped,and became frustrated.

"Do not call me a monster."

Steve becomes frustrated and tries his best to avoid Notch but Notch persisted,he rather not leave Steve alone in the forest when they can come kill or whatever they want with him. so,Notch grabbed Steve by the wrist and snapped his finger with his right hand.

So,Notch and Steve were teleported somewhere above the clouds,Steve panics and quickly clinged onto Notch tightly.

Wherever there's a hell (The Nether)

There will always be an opposite version of hell.

And it's called;The Aether.


Steve looked down and fell onto a random tree as Notch dropped him. He accidentally dropped his iron sword out of his hand as the sword fell into the skies,he tried to reach for his iron sword but it was too late. He groaned and turned around,and looked up to see the Aether.

The Aether has passive-like mobs roaming around,and a beautiful white-like city. He sees pure white castle similar to Herobrine's castle but different. He stepped out of the leaves from the trees and walked on the concrete floor. He walked,and noticed some people were flying with wings,and mobs eating plant-like food. He saw similar mobs that looked like cows,chickens and even pigs.

After that,he walked over to the edge to see nothing but blue skies and white clouds beneath him,he gasps and falls over.

He gulped,and looked to see Notch walking pass by him,and smiled.

Steve turned his head,and spoke.

"W-Who are you?" he asked,scared.

"Like I say,I am a god. I am Notch. Basically a ruler over the skies,Welcome to the Aether."

HeroSteve:Forbidden LoveWhere stories live. Discover now