Chapter 7

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Steve couldn't believe his own eyes that he is now in the Aether,and with a mysterious man named Notch. A man who thinks he is a god,or a demi-god of all over Minecraft.

Steve felt the god take his hand,and tug him over to the gates. The gates opened themselves up,and it revealed itself as a city. Steve looked back,and to see the gates closed behind himself. The two walked together in the city to see people selling,and or buying items. He looked up and noticed a statue of Notch as the people worshiped him like a god.

His own people approached him,and gave him an offering as a gift then left to mind their own business. Steve continued to look around and noticed cows,and pigs have wings,and some unique bunnies flying around in the sky. It seems to be a magical place to live in.

They walked,and walked as Notch greeted his people that he had returned home. Then he gripped on Steve's hand,and flew together to his castle,a white castle.

They landed together at the gates,and to see the guards greeted him,and opened up the gates for him,but the guard stopped Steve.

"Who are you and what do you have business with lord Notch?" he asked.

"Don't worry,he is with me. There's no need to worry."

The guard nods,and lets Steve inside the gates with Notch. Together the two see the beauty of this Aether. This is something that Steve could remember,but he couldn't recall any memories.

"Welcome Steve,this is the castle. It's where I live,and where you live as well. You may not remember but you lived here quite a while." he said.

Steve hadn't said a word since they got here,and yet he couldn't recall any memory.

Meanwhile In The Nether...

Herobrine sighed,and paced himself back and forward in the halls. The left of him is his master bedroom. He groaned,and was frustrated with himself. He hated himself for letting his brother help him with his problems that he would have solved on his own. His footsteps echo in the halls.

Then he stopped pacing himself as the wither skeletons approached him,and bowed down to Herobrine's presence. The wither skeleton spoke to his leader that he has arrived,and he is waiting at the throne room. Herobrine was annoyed,but he had to deal with it. So,he walked down the steps,and entered his throne room to see a familiar face.

"Why are you here..? Explain yourself..?"

Back at the Aether...

Together,Steve and Notch walked around the courtyard to see his guards are training with their swords and their shields then Steve looked and saw Notch's gardener is planting,and watering plants. Steve continues to look around,and then stops his footsteps at the front door.

Notch put Steve aside,and opened up the door himself. They entered and were in the entrance hall. Steve was in awe to see white wallpapers on the wall,and some dark stains that pictures used to be hung up there but it is no more.

Before he could speak,two guards approached Notch,and spoke.

"Good afternoon Lord Notch! We are glad for your return,and we may inform you that dinner is going to be served and we prepared strategies,sir!" they said in unison.

"Thank you,you may leave." he said.

"Yes sir."

Steve walked by Notch,and was confused.

"I-I don't understand,if i was raised come i don't remember a thing. I don't remember at all. Did you do something to me...?" he said in confusion as he looked around his surroundings.

Notch patted his shoulder,and tried his best to calm his mind. The two proceeded and walked down the entente hall,once they heard a dog barking. It runs towards them with excitement and such happiness. The wolf wags its tails,and barks at Steve. Steve watches the wolf's movement as it gets close to him to his legs and nuzzles its head onto Steve's leg.

Steve bent himself over and looked even closer to see the wolf had a blue collar around his neck. The wolf once more barks happily to see Steve.

"Is he tamed?" Steve asked.

"Yes,he is. He belongs to you,you are his owner. You adopted him in one of the biomes and decided to be a man's best friend. He took a liking to you,and you decided to give him a name." he said.

"Oh..." said Steve as he patted the dog's head,making the wolf happy as it wags its tail.

Suddenly Steve's head began to have a headache. He touched his head with his bare hands and groaned in pain. His own memories hurt him. He had flashes of images of a young man with a dog walking down in the forest and chasing down some skeletons. Steve bend down on his hands and knees as he try to get his headaches to go away.

And it did.

Steve's headache had gone away,and realized Notch was still with him.

"S-Sorry." he said as he stood up and smiled nervously.

Notch once again patted on Steve's shoulders.

"It's alright,your brain probably hurts. It's hard to remember things. Don't force it,just embrace the memory you have." said Notch as he talked to him.

Steve sighed deeply as he took two steps away from Notch. The two walked together,as Steve looked up and noticed something was off.

"If I lived here,where are the pictures of me..? You know,babies pictures and kids photos..? Isn't that something you have kept." said Steve.

The two stopped at Notch's office door,and Notch sighed deeply. He turned his head to Steve and spoke;

"He decided to take them down,one by one from the entrance hall,and the other rooms. Anything that reminds of you had to be removed. It was necessary. He used to live here until he was corrupted with power. I had no choice but to banish him away."

Steve was confused,he didn't understand what he meant 'he was corrupted with power.' He had a thought for a moment,and remembered Herobrine,is he someone that used to live with Notch.

"He..? don't you mean Herobrine guy?" he said,confused.

Notch opened up his office door,and walked himself inside the room. He walked,and sat down on his chair as Steve followed and walked in front of his desk.

"That Herobrine is my brother..." said Notch as he looked at Steve.

Steve couldn't believe it,he cannot believe that could be true. It is impossible,the two are nothing alike. But he has to believe it,he has to accept it.

"WHAT?!" shouted Steve as his voice echoed throughout the castle.

In the Nether..

Herobrine stood there in his throne room as the glitch figure stood right in front of him only from a few feet away from each other. The glitch figure chuckled,and smirked. Then it disappeared yet reappeared in front of Herobrine's face. It caused the wither skeletons to be frightened,and even nervous. They dropped their own weapons and fled the throne room,heading over the diner room with other mobs.


The glitch figure was glitching from its own body,it grabbed Herobrine's black collar of his suit,then threw him across the throne room. Herobrine wasn't even afraid,or even nervous. He just stood himself up with a small bruise on his face.

The figure stood there motionless,as it watched him move. It walked towards Herobrine,it kicked him down and just stared at Herobrine without blinking.

It finally spoke;

" know why I'm here,Herobrine. It was a task to come here for your punishment...your punishment from me...for betraying us...abandoning us."

"Name your punishment,303."

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