Chapter 8

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In The Nether. . .

Herobrine has a disgusted look on his face,he knew who this is,this is Entity 303.

A virus.

Who is Entity 303?

Entity 303 is a creepypasta commonly said to be "the New Herobrine". 

“Name your punishment." Said Herobrine.

The Glitch figure of Entity 303 has a smirk on his face as they left the mansion and reappear at an unknown area.

Herobrine has been kneed down and tied up from his wrists.

He known what he got himself into.

“You betray us,you lie to us,I though we could be friends but no,we aren't!"

“Get this over with,303,I know the drill of this torture." Said Herobrine as he grew impatient.

“Oh no no no,this is a different punishment,Null says it would be good experience for you. You'll love it." He said.

“What does he mean by goo-"

Herobrine were cutting off like a knife,Entity 303 took image of Steve. He cleared his throat to talk like Steve as well.

“Heyy there,my sexy myth something wrong? Is there something on my face?"

“No. No. Anything but this 303,stop it."

Entity 303 lift Herobrine's chin and lock his lips lustful.

“Don't you look delightful to eat,Herobrine~"

“You aren't Steve."

Entity 303 put a disgusted look on his face as he in a form of Steve,he thought of idea that Steve would've do to Herobrine.

He smirked and stare at him as his hand has been ball up into a fist,Herobrine felt a punch to his stomach area,then another punch and another.

“You loved me. You lied to me. You harm me. Abuse me. Why you love me? You are a monster with no care,you were going to kill me In front of them."

The Anti-Hero started to have tears,tears were streaming down his cheeks.

“I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it to happen,I was confused for who I am. I shouldn't have love you,I shouldn't have fall in love with you. I shouldn't deceive you,Please forgive me." He said in a sadden voice.

Entity 303 has a pleasure way to torture Herobrine.


He Is to blame.

Entity 303 chuckled darkly,enjoying this pleasure.

In the Aether. . .

“That psychopath man is your brother! You both don't even look a like,he is a monster and you'll just a human demi-god. How is he your brother."

Steve couldn't believe what he heard from Notch's mouth,he started to ask questions but Notch sliented him.

“Shhhh,ask questions later." He said.

“B-But I have many questions to ask you,what happened to me? Why was Herobrine being close to me. I mean he took me to the nether."

“shhh,questions are for later,I fear something has happen to Herobrine." He said as he walked toward his office.

Steve groan but he followed Notch to his office.

The guard opened up the door for the Notch as steve seen alot of computer showing each players and including mobs.

He is quite stunned.


“This is my office,Steven." Said Notch.

“Now can you answer my questions. I need to know. Why am I here? What happened to me?" He said.

“Shh,don't you hear that,Steven." Said Notch as he took a sit on his chair.

Steve heard nothing till he heard a voice of Herobrine,he start to shaken up,thinking Herobrine is here in the Aether.

“Don't be scare,Steven. Herobrine can't enter the Aether. He belong in the Nether and stay in the Nether." Said Notch.

“T-T-Then,what was that sound? Why am I hearing him?" He asked.

Notch looked down with disgrive,he knew was happening to Herobrine,he can feel it.

A computer appeared in front of Steve.

“Enjoy the show,Steve."

A unknown voice were spoken to Steve as he seen on screen that Herobrine is getting torture by an unknown figure,on screen it is a entity but with Herobrine,that entity mask as Steve.

He heard Herobrine's voice.

“I'm so sorry,forgive me Steve. I didn't mean this to happen to you. It's my fault,I was only protecting you for your own good but I was being selfish." Said Herobrine in the screen as he get another punch.

Steve felt his heart has shattered in pieces.

“stop it ."

Steve start to tear up from his eyes,he doesn't know why is he crying for a man he doesn't know.

The glitch figure smiled as he cease to hit him further,then the figure took off Herobrine's shirt.

“No. Please stop. I have enough." Said Herobrine in the screen.

“Notch,can you do something,make him stop." Said Steve with sadden tone.

“I'm sorry,I can't stop him."

The entity 303 out his lips on Herobrine's lips,kissing him softly.

“Shhh,you can't do anything Herobrine,this is your punishment,this is what you deserve."

The voice shock Steve,that entity is using his voice.

Steve broken down in tears and ball up his fist.


The glitch figure didn't listen a word he say,he lick his lips and touch his skin and remove Herobrine's pants,completely.

Herobrine couldn't speak,he thought that was Steve,punishing him.

“I want to hear you scream my name,Herobrine."

Steve has seen enough,he were in his inventory,have an iron pickaxe.

He charged to the computer,smashing it into pieces,screaming and swear at the computer with tears in his eyes.

Once he is done,he kept crying,he wasn't aware of his actions,he wasn't aware of his emotions.

“He touch my Herobrine,He touch him. I love that man,he take the man who I love." He said in tears as he drop down on his knees,dropping the pickaxe as well.

What am I saying? Why am I saying this? I don't even know who Herobrine is?

What's happening to me? Why did rage over a man I barely knew. Did I love him? Is he my lover?

Steve thoughts were full of questions as he drop to the floor with a thud,his eyes were shut.

My Herobrine.....

HeroSteve:Forbidden LoveWhere stories live. Discover now