Chapter 5

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The sun is shining with a warm temp from outside,as the trees breezes and birds chirping in their nests. Steve,a man is standing in his bedroom,and stares at Herobrine who is sleeping in the corner. Steve questioned himself why he hadn't said a word to him,it was quiet.

He finally snapped himself out of it and shook his head.

"Why did he say my name,and why is he saying sorry?" he asked himself.

Steve realized that time is moving,and he has to move and make a decision. He walked up to Herobrine and reached out his hand to Herobrine's shoulder.

"I'm sorry..." said Herobrine as he talks in his sleep.

Steve sighed,and touched Herobrine's left shoulder with his left hand. He shook Herobrine's shoulder and Herobrine woke up,opening up his eyes. He groaned,and his white bright eyes shines as Steve covered up his eyes with his arm. So,Steve took a step back.

Herobrine stood up,and stretched his arms and legs then he noticed Steve. He blushed slightly and was excited to see Steve in front of him,so he went over to Steve and hugged him tightly as possible like he loves him.

This made Steve confused,like really confused. He didn't think a demi-god like Herobrine could have such emotions or any affection. Monsters like him shouldn't feel like this,it isn't normal.

After a few minutes,it was getting uncomfortable.

"Let. Me. Go."

Herobrine's happy expression changed to a sad expression,his eyebrows lowered. He let go of Steve and listened.

"Why are you here? What do you want from me? Are you just waiting to kill me..? Just kill me already." he said.

Herobrine stood there and was confused at Steve.

"Steve,listen to me. I-"

Steve refused to listen,and stomped down his feet.

"No! I don't want to be here! I want you to leave! I don't know who you are,and I want you to leave me alone!"

He yelled at Herobrine. He yelled at him and it hurt Herobrine's heart. It was torn apart. All Herobrine wanted to do was to protect Steve from danger,or any trouble of any kind. He just needed to be protected from them.

"What are you waiting for?! Leave!" he shouted.

Herobrine sighed deeply sadly,continuing to have a sad expression on his face but he wanted to stay with Steve. Sadly,Steve didn't even want him to talk or even explain what's going on. So,Herobrine teleported himself to home at his castle.

-In The Nether-

Herobrine looked up at his castle,and sighed once more. He opened up the doors and walked inside his castle and closed them behind himself. He turned around and to see his mobs' daily job to do,Herobrine walked past them as they continued to work. Endermens disappeared and reappeared once a while from gathering resources.

Then,Herobrine went up to his master bedroom,and looked at the door. He opened up the door and slammed the door behind himself,it echoes throughout the whole castle. The mobs stopped,and looked up at the master's bedroom and were perplexed.

Herobrine walked up to his bed,and sat down. He hugged himself as he cried into his knees. Then,he heard a knock from his bedroom door. He looked up with one eye open to see the skeleton,and wither mobs were knocking,they opened up his door and wanted to check on their leader of the nether.

They were going to approach him but Herobrine raised his left arm,and ball up his fist,white balls of magic were formed from his hand,like he was angry.

"Leave!" he boomed.

The two skeletons were frightened and scared,they yelped,and ran away from the door,closing the door behind themselves.

"If you idiots are standing outside of my bedroom,I would prefer all of you to leave my castle at once! I do not need any of you to console me,now go to the overworld and scare some folks!" he boomed once more.

Herobrine them speaking among themselves outside of the bedroom,and went off their way to obey their leader. They rather not face Herobrine's wrath.

Once they left the castle. A light appeared in front of his bed. A figure formed from the light,and it touched his head.

"What are you doing here? Don't even touch what do you want Notch..? Don't you have an overworld to watch instead of seeing me crying."

Suddenly,Herobrine was slapped across the face,with a powerful slap,throwing him against the wall.

"Are you serious? Crying..? Are you going to give up on Steve? You changed when you first met Steve. You stop everything for him...i knew you better..." he said.

"Oh shut up brother! He hates me,he doesn't know me,or even care about me. He said horrible words that I can't describe,it shattered my heart...they did this to Steve,his memories are gone..." said Herobrine,as he slid down from the wall,and lay against it.

"That doesn't change the fact you still love him. Even if his memories are gone,you can help him,and if not. You'll be killing him by now." said Notch.

Herobrine chuckled.

"...If I kill Steve,you'll be coming after my ass if I damage your clone,I'd rather not kill him,a person who I love."


Notch used magic on Herobrine,and the both of them sat down on the bed.

"What are you going to do about them..? They want Steve,and you want Steve..this is going to be hard...with you betray them...anything can go wrong..anything.."

Herobrine thought for a moment,he had no words. He has no idea how to get rid of them. All he could think they would do horrible things to Steve,it would be tormated. It would be his fault. He is to blame that Steve is getting involved in this situation.

"No answer,I see. Maybe I can help you and get involved in your situation." said Notch.

Then,Herobrine looked at his brother,and disappeared,and reappeared a few feets away from him.

"Oh hell no! No no no no! That isn't happening! My mobs will think their overlord,their leader and myth mob would be soft of a coward. I should not be asking for your help! You are the last person to be asked for help." he shouted.

Notch stood up from the bed,and chuckled. He walked,and walked towards Herobrine,and smirked in front of his face.

"Listen,You need me. More than anything,do you want Steve back?" he asked.

Herobrine looked away from Notch,not even batting him in the eyes. He refused to look.

"I do not need your help...not to you." he mutters.

Notch pats Herobrine's head,and chuckles.

"Watch me."

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