Chapter 12

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Herobrine woken up in the nether,in his bedroom,alone. He looked around the area of his bedroom,seeing an familiar face.

He sit up and touch his forehead,he doesn't feel the bandages around his head.

Herobrine questioned himself how he got home,he doesn't recall a memory. He sees that Ender was reading an ancient book,He snap his finger as Ender noticed him.

“Master,you are awake,thank goodness." He said.

“What happened?" Asked Herobrine.

The Enderman told him everything.


Steve Run! Now! I can't lose you again!"

Steve backed up away and stare at him,in worrisome,his heart was aching alot more.

Steve mutters a word to himself and ran off away from him,running toward home while Herobrine knees down on his hands and knees.

He struggles to move his body as he sees his hands were forced to Null's form. Herobrine screamed and struggles against Null.

“What are you doing?! He's getting away! You are worthless! I won't let you hurt my Steve,he means everything to me. Even if he lost his memories,I'll find a way to restore my old Steve."

Herobrine gain control and stood up slowly,lend against the wall,he summoned his pickaxe and face it toward his leg.

If Null inside of Herobrine,he'll feel pain like Herobrine.

The demi-god raise his pickaxe and slammed to his leg,he screamed in pain as his pickaxe drew blood.

“Stop! No!"

Herobrine continued but then,Null took control and summoned a sword to Herobrine's right hand,pointing at his throat.

“You can't kill me,if you think I can die. Think again. I'm smarter then you. We are smarter then you." Said Null.

He heard a glitch noise,knowing that Entity 303 has return,but this time he grabbed Herobrine by the neck,as Null fled out of his body,having a shadow form.

Herobrine were out of breath from the screaming as he teleported away from them.

They were going after him but they have better plans to do.

In The Nether. . . .

Herobrine wasn't aware he used his ability,he fallen down in front of his Mansion as he heard a door opening.


Steve is outside,walking through the night,he is gaining memories slowly. He hadn't seen any mobs around,which is strange.

While he is walking,he seen a similar cabin in birch forest,he walked to the cabin and looked down,seeing a welcome mat.

Home of Steve & Herobrine.

Steve pushed open the door and flat down on the floor,his eyes wided open,seeing a vase and a photo of himself with a puppy in a picture frame. Then he seen a photo of Herobrine with him in another picture frame.

He known the cabin look abandon,vines were everywhere and he stood up and look around,he went to a kitchen,seeing a old bread on the countertops then a cookbook.

He started to sniffed up his nose.

“Hey grumpy pants,here. I have mushroom stew for you,even a god can eat too."

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