Chapter Two

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Harry's POV

The same route home, the same place. Going past that same mountain near the hilltops. My car carried on running as I looked out my window. Up on the hilltops was a boy looking older than me facially, not in height. I stopped there, not wanting to do anything dangerous. He was just sat there... doing nothing. I eyed closer, realizing he was looking out to the sea. Why was he there? I thought. I quickly looked away when he looked in my direction, I tried to act casual but it didn't work as I looked in the boys direction... he was gone. I sigh, not wanting to see him again, it would be pretty creepy as I was basically lurking on him. I just carried on driving home.

The voices in my head had stopped... for now at least so I better get the most out of these couple hours, or couple minutes. Or even couple seconds until those devils come back. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge followed by swallowing my medication. I sighed, feeling a little better then I just did. I collapsed on my sofa, turning the TV on s andkipping through pointless channels. I looked a little more, landing on the News. Nothing. Nothing was on TV anymore besides shitty kids channels and dumb reality shows, porn channels for those desperate bitches. The only shows I like is 'The Only Way Is Essex' (I know that's a reality show, at least it's a good one) and 'I'm a Celebrity get me out of Here!' But they're only on at certain times, and certain days. I sighed again, grabbing my phone and checking my Facebook. As usual comments on my wall, I just ignore them as they're so fucking rude. "Crazyyy lol please don't kill anyone else lolol"

I haven't even killed anyone. Well, I attempted but that wasn't me! It was those demons up in this fucking messed up head of mine. I checked my friend requests; '5'  it read. I pressed accept on all, not caring about if they were a rapist trying to hunt me down, I threw my phone on the coffee table before sliding my shirt off and bringing the duvet over my body. Goodnight world, and goodnight the voices in my head I guess they're people too... fucked up people.


Louis' POV


I sat on the hilltops like I did everyday. I just sat there thinking about my life, there was no reason I was there... It seemed as when I sat there things entered my head more, I allowed to think and there was nothing stopping me. I was about to leave to my little cottage right behind me on the hill when I looked down and saw someone looking at me, he looked away quickly and I smiled. He had brown chestnut curly hair. I couldn't see that well from up here, but well enough to see that he had green eyes. I sighed as I turned around to my Cottage. It was small but very big for one person and a small kitten. I entered the door, greeted by a black cat with a white eye. I named her Tiddles (a very common cat name, I know. But it's cute I guess). She purred quietly, rubbing her small body on my bare ankles. It was the middle of summer so I was wearing shorts... so what? I put Tiddles in my arms, softly setting her down in the kitchen to eat her food. I coughed slightly, roaming the fridge for food... I needed to go shopping. I thought. "I'll go tomorrow," I said out loud. I sat down on the chair on my phone, I had a missed call from my mum. I called her back. "Hi, Mum?" I said.

"Oh, hi, Lou. How are you?" she asked.

"Fine, why did you call? Not that it's bad... just asking," I said.

"Well me and your sisters are coming over next week if that's okay? Are you doing anything?" she questioned.

"I'm free next week, yeah, I'll book a day off work. What time and day will you be around?" I grabbed an apple from the basket, taking a large bite.

"Monday morning? Around ten. Is that okay?" she asked. I nodded even though she couldn't see me.

"Yeah, that's fine. Why did you choose to come round?"

"It's just kinda hard not having you here anymore. You're my only son and well... me and your sisters miss you a lot. Since your dad died I... well, we miss the boy in the family. You're the man now," she chucked but was quite serious.

"I miss you all too mum. I'll see you next week on Monday, yeah?" 

"Yes, see you Monday." I bit another bit of my apple.

"Love you, bye."

"Love you too, Lou."

She hung up and I put my phone in it's case. I put the apple in the food waste bin before looking at the clock. "11:30PM" It read. I should get some sleep... I jogged up to my bedroom, slipping on a pair of sweatpants. I took the covers out of place and slipped into the bed. I turned the TV on the music channel as I couldn't get to sleep without the TV on, or music. I skipped to the songs I liked like rapping and pop. I found Ed Sheeran's 'Lego House'. I love this song. I always fall asleep to it. I turned over, grabbing the duvet, but I couldn't stop thinking about the curly haired boy I saw today. I shook my head and finally, I was in a trance.

Fifty Shades Of Fucked Up - Larry Stylinson (Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now