Chapter Eleven

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Harry's POV


I woke up on pillows with a blanket wrapped around me. I realized I was completely naked. I remember last night, I honestly don't regret it at all. I looked next to me to see Louis sleeping peacefuly, I watched his stomach go up and down. He was really cute when he slept. I put an arm around him, snuggling into him, I woke him up. His arm trailed around my side, wrapping his arm around me. "Good morning," he mumbled with his eyes still closed. I hummed in response. I shifted myself off Louis leaning against the arm of the chair was we were sat next to it

"C-can we talk about what happened?"

Louis looked at me, sitting next to me. "Yeah, sure. Why? Do you regret it?" I shook my head eagerly.

"No, not at all. I would actually regret it if I turned you away," I said. Louis smiled down at himself "But... I do want to be with you... I... I just don't think we should, I can't put you in danger."

"Harry," he whispered, pulling a curl out and letting it fall back in. "I don't care if you're putting me in danger. I really like you. And I want to do whatever it takes. You can't let this illness of yours stopping you to be in a relationship, yeah?"

"You call me perfect," I  giggled. Louis laughed.

"So are you willing to try?"

"Well... can we just see how we are for a couple days? Then..."

"Can we kiss?"

I furrowed my eyebrows "Why, do you like it?" I teased. Louis rolled his eyes. "Yeah," I laughed  "Of course."

"Just... I don't care if I'm in danger. You're perfect the way you are. I love you for what you think makes you different," Louis whispered. I fell into his chest. He kissed my forehead.

He pushed me down on the floor, kissing me. I giggled, pushing him back up when the doorbell rung. Louis groaned, running up to the radiator and putting sweatpants over, he was naked and I couldn't help but stare. He winked, answering the door to see Liam. "Is Harry here?" he asked. Louis nodded and let him in, I was completely naked under a blanket while Louis was shirtless. He kept giving us glances back and fourth. "Louis, pass me some sweatpants please," I said, gritting my teeth together. Louis passed me some and I slipped them on under the blanket.

"Okay, so let me get things clear, you were both naked. The other side of the blanket is not made, Louis, you took how long it would take to climb up the Eiffel tower to answer and there's a white stain on the blanket, multiple actually. And you're telling me there's nothing going on?" I looked at Louis, we both went red. "You had sex, point made."

"Fine! Yes, it happened," I said, sounding annoyed when I really wasn't.

"How long has this been going on?"

"Since yesterday. We're gonna see if it's gonna work out for a couple days and if so then..." I began.

"It better work, Haz, you can't let this illness stop you from the real world," Liam said.

"That's what I said," Louis sung, running over to me, pulling me out the blanket pecking my lips.

"Well you had sex so clearly you like each other," Liam said. I wrapped myself in a blanket.

"I'm going to make some breakfast," Louis said, avoiding that topic. Liam sat next to me.

"I'm going in a minute but... be with Louis, Harry. He looks like he really likes you." I looked down at my lap. "I need to go back to the office Harry. See you later."


Louis' POV


I walked in to see Harry sat on the sofa. "Where's Liam?" I asked.

"He needed to go back to work s'all." I sat down with a plate of toast on the table. I looked at Harry, smiling. Harry quickly kissed me before looking away, laughing. I kissed his temple before shoving a slice of toast in my mouth. Harry did the same to me and he pushed me on the sofa getting, tickled. I laughed as he started to shove more toast in my mouth. "L-Louis!" Harry giggled.

Ayye this is sorta fluff but do you people think Harry should accept Lou bc if so get yo nasty ass keyboard out and type if he should.

Fifty Shades Of Fucked Up - Larry Stylinson (Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now