Chapter Three

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I don't care if no one reads this I like writing it and I'm having fun writing it oops :))


Louis' POV


I sat down at my table eating cheerios and looking at my phone. I crunched them up in my mouth, putting my phone on the table. I wanted to go on that mountain after. I ate the last cheerios before putting my bowl in the dishwasher. I walked out the door and no one was on the mountain, approaching the mountain, the same car was parked at the bottom as I saw yesterday. The same curly haired boy in it. Thinking he was waiting for someone, I just carried on thinking. I looked at the sky, remembering my dad - the one who always helped me through everything. How close we were and how he always supported me with being gay. Tears trickled down my cheeks and I looked down letting the cold tears fall to the grass... I missed him so much but I had to carry on. I looked down and I saw the boy but he wasn't in the car, he was stood beside the cliff. I thought he was going to jump off? "Hey!" I shouted. He didn't hear me, I ran down the stone stairs in the mounting approaching the boy. "Hey!" I repeated. He turned around raising an eyebrow at me.


"You were going to jump off," I told him.

"Yeah, so what? You ruined it," he growled.

"You would've drowned! Died! What the fuck!" I shouted.

"That's a good thing," he said. I raised two eyebrows at him.

"Uh... why?"

"None of your fucking business," he said with an annoyed tone in his voice. I rolled my eyes.

"You don't need to be so rude!" I shouted.

"It wasn't me," he replied. What did he mean? 'It wasn't me'? Of course it was him, who else would it be? I watched the curly haired boy enter his car and drive away. Well... he was rude... I rolled my eyes, climbing the stairs to get to the hill. I just walked past the spot I sit down on, I didn't want to think today...


Harry's POV


What the fuck did I just do? I shouldn't of let them control me! He seemed really nice too, and pretty 'cute' I guess. I looked up out of the window and saw the same boy walking up the stairs to a little cottage at the top of the hill. I started the engine up not wanting him to see me and drove off down the road to my house.

I unlocked the door with my key walking into the living room. I hadn't taken my pills since last night but I didn't want to today, yes that's dangerous, but... oh well, I just didn't want to take them. Sitting down on the sofa, I scrolled through my Facebook feed, looking through pictures. "Don't wanna be physco"

I posted that status, leaving it to get means comments. People didn't know what was wrong with me, they just thought I was naturally crazy, but if they knew everything them assholes would shut the fuck up. I ignored all these comments... well, I tried. Sometimes some of them would break me and some made me smile as some people were really nice to me and knew what was going on. Most of the time though people are absolute dicks. I kept scrolling when one caught my eye.

"Dude you're fucking insane. Go to an asylum and die there"

It seemed as those demons in my head were in charge of my fingers."Listen here you little shit, don't ever fucking say that again or I will damn kill you for everything you got. You don't know me so don't assume things, go fucking hang yourself or slit your throat. Do the world a favour"

Once writing the reply, I threw my phone on the floor kicking the glass coffee table. Why couldn't they leave me alone! I kicked the sofa, the desks, everything I could find. I jumped when the doorbell rung. "Harry, it's Liam!"

No, I couldn't put him in danger but he has obviously heard the noise by now. I carried on smashing things, getting glass into my hands as a red liquid fell onto the carpet. The door burst open. "Harry!"

Liam had me on hold, he pushed me down on the sofa with me struggling trying to push him away. "Harry, calm down! You're okay!" he said. I kept kicking him, pushing him. I grabbed broken glass and slit his arm. He didn't move, he just held me still ripping the glass out of my hand. "Let me," I began, "GO!" I screamed but his grip only got tighter. 

"Harry!" he said, "Calm the hell down! You're fine!" he shouted. I growled at him, trying to unleash his arms. I gave up, the scene in my head had stopped. I stopped tugging, hitting everything. Liam sighed of relief, not caring about the blood on his arm.

"Have you taken your pills?" he asked. I stay silent, shaking my head. Liam shook his head in disbelief as he went to the medicine cabinet an the kitchen to get a cup of water. I quickly drowned the tablets and now I felt a lot calmer. "You're okay..." he told me. I lay my head in his lap "It's all gonna be alright."

I grabbed Liams hand, he rubbed circles in my back, lightly kissing my head. "You need to take your pills, Harry. Face it, you're a dangerous person without them. Why didn't you take them?" he ordered. I shrugged.

"Didn't want to."

"It's not about what you want, it's about what you need. What the other people around you need, do you realize how dangerous that was? If you got my vain you could've killed me!" he exclaimed pointing at his arm that was no longer bleeding. "Please just listen to me, Harry. You're in danger as well as everyone else who comes near you."

"What can I fucking do?!" I screamed standing up "It's not my fault I'm crazy like everyone says! That I'm insane! That I should go to a damn mental asylum!"

"Maybe you should go to a Mental Asylum."

Fifty Shades Of Fucked Up - Larry Stylinson (Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now