Chapter 2: Symptom's Emerge

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So I just read my last chapter and dear god it was sad. I am so, so sorry (not really *snickers*)

I hope you enjoy this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment!!




I wake uncomfortably from my sleep. I open my eyes only to be instantly blinded by the sun that peaks through the closed curtains. It hurts and makes my eyes water.

With a groan and stumbling slightly I pull myself out of bed. I turn my back against the light and open my eyes slightly, hoping for them to adjust to the already dim room. After a couple moments of waiting for them to adjust, I give up.

With a sigh, I pull on my robe. I keep my face angled away from the light and make my way to the loo.

I enter the loo and decide not to turn on the light. If the dim light filtering through the curtain hurt, the light from the bathroom would almost certainly be unbearable.

Shrouded in complete darkness, I begin my morning routine. It's rather difficult and it takes longer than usual, but I manage.

I step out of the bathroom with my eyes directed at the ground, ready to shield them from any light.

As I reach the sitting room, I stop in my tracks. All the lights are off, except for one. Sherlock sits in his chair, hands in a steeple against his lips with his eyes closed. He looks to be in his mind palace, but I know him and he is not; he's just pretending to be.

A sad smile forms on my lips as I shuffle over to him. Upon hearing my approach Sherlock opens his eyes and drops his hands. He looks upon me with sad, concerned filled eyes.

"Thank you." I say, sincerely as I place a hand on his shoulder. Sparks shoot through me at the touch, making my heart skip a beat.

"Anytime." Sherlock responds softly, placing his hand on top of mine and rubbing the pad of his thumb gently over my knuckles. After a moment, I withdraw my hand reluctantly from under his.


"Yes, please."

I make my way to the kitchen and start to prepare our tea. My back is turned towards the sitting room, so I don't hear Sherlock's completely silent approach until he whispers just inches away from my ear.

"You okay?"

"Bloody hell, Sherlock! You about gave me a heart attack!" I say nearly jumping out of my skin and clutching my chest against my rapid beating heart. "Why did you..." My sentence is cut off when I turn around only to see that his face is just a couple millimetres away from mine. My breathing hitches and my heart begin to race for a completely different reason now.

I glance down at his lips as a fight begins to rage on in my mind. I love Sherlock. I always have. I have been resisting and trying to squash these feelings for a long time. But now, I just want to press my lips against his beautiful, full cupid bow ones.

My clock is counting down faster than it should. I only have a year left, if that. If there was a time to show Sherlock how I feel; it would be now. All I have to do is lean forward slightly and press my lips to his. I begin to move forward just as Sherlock takes a half step back.

"Do you need help?" Sherlock asks appearing completely oblivious to what I was about to do. An awkward tension begins to bloom in the air around us.

"Umm... no... I...I've got it." I say feebly. I feel myself blush scarlet as I try to will myself to calm down.

"Alright." He says simply and departs.

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