Chapter 5: At Last

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Hello my beautifl readers!

Here is another chapter! Two in one day you lucky people! This one is nice and long to make up for the shorter chapter before this! I hope you enjoy!

Also, halfway through this it the spacing gets a bit wonky. I don't know what happened and I'm too lazy to fix it right now. I'll get to it later lol

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I sit stunned in front of the fire. The remnants of John's anger surrounding me.

This is all my fault. I should go after him, I want to go after him, but I don't think John wants me to go after him. I don't want what just happened to repeat again. I don't think I can handle it. I might break.

I glance around the room then hang my head and sigh. John's angry outburst destroyed the flat pretty bad.

His medical supplies went everywhere; one even broke his mum's vase. It was the only thing he had left of her and now it's broken.

A small tear falls down my face and onto my mangled hand. I wipe it away, not wanting to start blubbering again and straighten my spine, finally standing up.

I begin to clean the flat. I put all of John's medical supplies back in his bag in the same order he always puts them in. I pick up the pieces of the vase, placing them back on the table; the pieces are large, repairable.

I grab my mobile and dial the number to a vase shop down the street. I know a guy there that can repair delicate vases. He owes me a favour for getting him out of a life sentence for a murder he didn't commit.

"Hello, Angelo. It's Sherlock." I say with suppressed agitation, as it took him three bloody long rings to answer.

"Sherlock!! How are you my good friend!!?" He says enthusiastically through his thick Italian accent.

"Bit not good. I need a favour. My flatmates vase broke whilst he was out and I need it fixed before he comes home. Will you be able to do that?" I say, quickly and getting straight to the point.

"Sure! No problem!" He responds, happily. "When will he be coming home?"

I calculate the time John usually takes to come home after we had a row.

"Three hours." I finally say. The other side of the line remains silent.

"That's rushing it a bit, Sherlock. Perhaps--"

"No, I can't replace it. It's my fault it's broken. I know you can do it, Angelo." I say with an eye roll. I hate stroking people's ego.

"Well. Alright. I'll send my boy down to pick it up. I'll have it done in no time!"

"Thank you, Angelo. How much?" I respond, relieved.

"No cost! It's on the house for my good friend!"

"Thank you again, Angelo." I say and hang up.

I just finish fixing up the flat when I hear a knock at the door.

I grab the box I put the broken vase in and carry it awkwardly down the stairs since I am only able to use one hand. I hand the box to Angelo's boy with a warning in regards to his klepto tendencies. He scampers off as I smirk. He definitely won't be stealing this expensive vase or any others to come to sell for drug money.

I climb the flat and grab John's medical bag. I take out all the supplies that John had taken out earlier and begin to wrap my hand. Or at least I attempt to.

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