Chapter 15: We've Waited So Many Years for This

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I sit in my office at home peering at the text I have just received on my mobile. A mixed feeling of happiness and fear move through me waging an interesting war in my head.

I sigh and slump against my chair. All this emotion and sentiment is truly exhausting.

I hear the patter of bare feet on the wood floor approaching. I look up just as Greg enters with a smile. I smile back at him, and he gives me a quick peck on the lips.

I say nothing as a hand him my phone. He takes it with a slightly puzzled look on his face. He looks down and reads it. His puzzlement smooths into happiness which quickly changes to worry.

The text reads:

John and I are getting married. The date set is the 14th of April. Will you and Lestrade be our best men? -SH

"Sherlock and John are..." Greg begins.

"Getting married, yes." I finish his sentence for him when he fails to do it himself.

"Is that wise?"

"No." I say, immediately. "It's the worst thing they could do considering John's condition."

"You know he got the idea from us. Our wedding was just three months ago."

"I know, I quickly realised that as well."

"What did you tell him?"

I sigh, knowing that I will go through with what I sent Sherlock. I motion to the phone again, and Greg presses down a few times till he reaches my response.

Congratulations are certainly in order. Greg and I will be delighted to be your best men. - MLH

Greg smiles down at me, and I smile back at him sadly.

"They'll be alright, Myc. I know how worried you are about them, but honestly, they need this. They need each other just like I need you. What better way to remain bonded together than to become husbands. They might as well live while they both still have a life to live for and look at it this way, John's humour started to shrink."

His last sentence hits me incredibly hard and in that second I know he's right. If their situation was upon Greg and me, I know for a fact that I would do the same thing and try to live as much as I can in whatever time we had left together.

"Thank you, love." I say sincerely, standing up to bring him into my arms with a kiss of love and appreciation.

"It's what I'm here for. I'd be a horrible husband if I weren't here for you through it all."

"You are indeed a wonderful husband, and I'd marry you every day if I could."

Greg laughs softly. "I would as well."

I give him another soft kiss and grab my phone that Greg had set on the desk and begin to type quickly into the search engine of the Internet app.

"What are you doing?" Greg asks, taking note of the determination in my face.

I smile at him. "Planning a wedding, of course."

Greg chuckles. "Well let me know if I can help with anything."

I don't respond; I am distracted by the flower arrangement at the moment. "White roses or jasmines?" I ponder to myself out loud.

In the distant, Greg can hear her Mycroft mumble to himself. "Definitely the jasmines." And he can't help but laugh to himself.

Sherlock - 3 months later

"Are you almost ready, brother?" Mycroft asks from the corner of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2018 ⏰

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