Chapter 10: When A Strong Man Breaks

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Hello dears!

I'm changing it up a bit and expanding my POVs as I need some filler chapters. This chapter belongs to Mycroft. I hope you like the added POV. If you would like to see other POVs, leave a comment and I'll happily incorporate them :)

Remember to vote, comment, and share!

P.S. Sorry for the feels.



I sit in my dimly lite home office peering out the window with a cuppa in hand. John's medical files lie spread across my desk.

He remains in a coma. Tomorrow, well today since its four in the morning, marks the third week John has been unconscious. The only redeeming part of all this is his brain is still functioning and his tumour hasn't increased any since the three weeks he's been on his new medication. It hasn't decreased either, but we take what we can. He just needs to wake, if he ever wakes.

Sherlock has refused to leave his side. The only time he's away is for the loo or a fag. I worry about him constantly. Sherlock doesn't think I do. He believes that I am as icy on the interior as I am on the exterior. Going off of how I treated him as a boy, why wouldn't he?

I hear a familiar and endearing shuffle in the distance coming closer and I smile to myself.
"Hey, Myc." Greg says coming up behind me, wrapping his arms around my chest. His biceps ripple and tighten as he squeezes me and I lean my head against his chest, angling my head to the crook of his neck basking in the warmth that radiates off of him.

"Hey." I say softly, closing my eyes and snuggling my head closer to him.

"Can't sleep?" He asks turning his head slightly and giving me a small peck on the side of my head.

"Not tired."

"You're never tired anymore."

"I have more pressing matter I'd rather attend to rather than to waste my time sleeping."

Greg lets go of me and spins me around to face him. I bite my lower lip as I look my Detective Inspector up and down.

His salt and pepper hair is sleep tousled making him look adorably young. His pyjama trousers lie low on his hips with his tight white t-shirt clinging to his muscular chest. It rides up on one side giving me a delectable view of his tight lower abdomen and V.

"Myc, honey, my eyes are up here." Greg's amused voice says, pulling my eyes from his nether region. I flush in embarrassment as Greg laughs causing his eyes to crinkle in the way that I love so much.

"Sorry." I say bashful, feeling like a love struck teenager.

Greg is the only man, the only person on this earth that makes me feel this way. He makes me feel alive. Every breath I take with him by my side is full of life and love. He broke through my icy exterior and breathed life into me. Looking back at my life without him was bleak at best. Now I can't imagine my life without him.

"I think it's cute when you blush." Greg says bending down to kiss my forehead.

"You should be delighted to know that you are the only person that can elicit that type of response from me." I say grabbing Greg by his waist and pulling him onto my lap.

"Good." Greg says as he wraps his arms around my neck and dips his head down connecting his lips to mine. I close my eyes and let my lips feel around Greg's. His lips are soft and gentle against mine. They cradle mine delicately. Greg moves his head from side to side deepening the kiss and making me crazy. Greg passes his tongue across my lips and I open my mouth slightly inviting him in. Instead of caressing his tongue against mine, he takes my lower lip between his teeth biting down gently and pulling away with my lip still within his gasp until he finally lets go.

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