Chapter 4: Fed Up

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Another chapter! This one’s a bit different short! The next chapter shpould be out later today! Woohoo!!

I hope you enjoy and remember to vote and comment!




I could shoot him. I could bloody shoot Sherlock for messing up his hand like that. What was he thinking! What did he even do to it since it's obvious that he was lying to me about slamming it in the door. Does he think I'm stupid enough to believe that! Hah! He's got to be bloody daft to think I would!

I rummage through my room looking for my medical bag and coming up empty.

Where in the bloody hell is my medical bag. I normally stick it right here near my desk, don't I? But it's not there. What the hell! Where did it go! I bet Sherlock moved it again. That bastard.

I exit my room and shuffle down the stairs. Sherlock is still sitting next to the fireplace, staring at the flames licking and crackling against the air.

"Sherlock, did you move my medical bag?" I ask and he turns towards me, his brows furrowed in confusion.

"No. It's underneath the bathroom sink where it always is. Is it not there anymore?" He says, tentatively.

Oh, underneath the sink. How could I have forgotten?

"No, I haven't checked there yet. Be back in a tic." I say, turning in my heel and heading to the bathroom.

I open the cabinet doors and low and behold my medical bag sits. I pull out the massive bag and leave the bathroom. I walk over to Sherlock and place the bag on the side of us as I sit cross legged in front of Sherlock.

I take his broken hand gently within mine and begin to examine it, mentally taking notes on what I see.

All four fingers broken. Wrist is compacted due to blunt force trauma. Small scratches cover his fingers accompanied by a few deep gashes hence all the blood. Thumb remains unbroken, minus a few shallow scratches on the surface. Purple, black bruises along the fingers, hand, and wrist as well as some significant swelling. Possible tendon damage that may cause problems in the future. Trauma caused by repeatedly beating something hard with an immense amount of force.

What the hell did he do to himself?

"The damage is extensive. It may cause permanent damage if it's not taken care of properly. We should really get you to---"

"I know you'll take care of it properly, John. I trust my doctor." He says, cutting me off and giving me that adorable half smile.

"Alright then." I say quietly, trying not to swoon like a girl.

I open my bag and begin to take out the needed supplies. I grab the alcohol first to clean off the blood and sterilise the cuts. It'll also help me see if any of the deep gashes need to be stitched.

I drench a cotton pad in alcohol and glance up to see Sherlock looking at me warily like I'm the plague or something.

"Christ, Sherlock. It's just alcohol." I laugh. "I've got to get it disinfected."

He pulls his lips down into a pout. "But it hurts, John." He whines. I chuckle at my pouty childish detective and shake my head.

"I know it does. That's because it's dirty and infected. You wouldn't want it to get all yucky now, would you?" I say slowly like I'm speaking to a child.

Sherlock makes a little 'humph' noise, proving my point that he is indeed a child. It makes me smile.

I bring the cloth to Sherlock's hand and press down softly. He jolts a bit in pain, but keeps his hand still. I begin to dab away at his hand carefully, trying not to hurt it. The dabbing has only taken me so far and I start to wipe at the deeper cuts. Sherlock cringes and twerks at the burning, stinging sensation. After a couple of painfully long minutes of Sherlock cursing under his breathe and me warning him to stop wriggling around we get all his wounds clean.

Some of the gashes are deep, but they've stopped bleeding for the most part.

"I don't think you'll be needing stitches." I say, probing one of the cuts with my gloved finger. I see a bit of something beneath the surface and pull out my tweezers to get at it.

I grasp onto its white corner and pull out a small piece of something. I bring it closer to my face examining it.

Is that plaster?

I glance up at Sherlock, who is purposely avoiding my eyes.

"Most have come from the door." He says, indifferent with a shrug, still not looking at me.

"Sherlock." I warn him.

I swear to god he better not bloody lie to me again. I will fucking go off. I fucking will.

"What?" He says with forced confusion, finally looking at me with wide innocent eyes.

I feel my anger boil further within me. I take a hard, deep breathe whilst pinching the bridge of my nose. I clench and unclench my jaw and exhale loudly dropping my hand from my face, burning my blue eyes into his.

"Don't bloody lie to me, Sherlock." I finally say through gritted teeth.

Sherlock's face morphs, becoming completely unreadable and passive.

It's the face I hate with a burning passion. It's the face he gives everyone he deems beneath him. So what am I then? Someone he deems below himself now. I'm his bloody best friend, for Christ sake! Why does he treat me this way!

"I'm not---" He responds, coldly. His face hard and cold, but I cut him off. The anger I tried holding inside exploding.

"No! Fuck you, Sherlock! Fuck you!" I shout at him, standing up. "All I bloody asked you to do is not lie to me! That's all I fucking asked! And you know what you do?! LIE! TO! ME! I deserve bloody better than that, Sherlock! I fucking deserve better! But noooo! Not to Sherlock Fucking Holmes! To you I don't mean shit! To you, you lie to my face when I do absolutely fucking everything for you!" I continue, kicking my medical bag across the room causing the contents to fly everywhere and break glass somewhere in the flat, but I don't care.

"Jo---" He tries to interject quietly, but I'm not having it.

"No! Shut the fuck up! I don't want to hear another fucking word you say! Fix your own god damn hand! I'm done with you, you fucking useless piece of shit machine!" With that I storm out of the flat, kicking the chair that was in my way down. I stomp down the stairs and slam the door so hard the windows rattle.

To be continued...

AN: DONE! Phew! Sorry for the lag in updating. I have Chapter 5 almost complete, becuase I was going to combine the chapters, but then I changed my mind. I should have the next chapter out later today! Let me know what you think so far! I also know how I am going to end this fic! So excited!!

Remeber to vote and comment! I love hearing from you guys!!



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