Chapter Three

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*Seth Clearwater POV*

Everyone was at myhouse. All except Jacob and Sam. Sam wanted to be with Emily but Jake? I don’t even know. I howl tore through my ears. It was Jake and we all phrased and went out.

Paul: Jacob?

Jacob: It’s Sam. We got into a fight because I imprinted on Bella and Edward’s 3 year old daughter.  We phrased. The kids came outside for some fun and saw us. Tears... Sam then ran off.

Embry: Split up and find him! Jake, go back to the Uley household and tell Emily what has happened.

Jacob: Alright.

*Jacob Black POV*

I changed course and went back. Changing back into my human self and getting some shorts on I went inside.

Jacob: Emily!

I went into theliving room where the kids were crying in Emily’s lap.I walked, or ran, over to them quickly picking up Camille. Where are their parents?

Bella: Jacob!

Edward: Put my daughter down.

Emily: Sh! Watch them!

I smiled at Emily. I cradled Cam closer to me.

Jacob: Shhhhh.

Emily: What’s wrong, Jake?

Jacob: Sam. The kids saw us. They ran inside crying.

Emily: I know they saw you.

Jacob: Saw I guess felt ashamed. He ran off.

Emily: What? NO!

Jacob: I’m sorry.

I faced Camille to me and dropped to her level.

Jacob: Be safe. I love you.

And with that I left.

*Paul Lahote POV*

We found Sam and was escorting him home. It was me, Embry, Jared and Quil. The Clearwaters went home and Jacob never came back.

*Sam Uley POV*

I went inside. I went in the living room. The kids looked up at me.

Aiden: SAM!

Camille: I thought we lost you.

Sam: Never.

I picked up Camille and laid her head on my shoulder. Rubbing her back until she fell asleep. I then gave her to Edward.

Sam: Should we tell, Aiden?

Bella: Yes.


Aiden: Yeah?

Sam: Listen to me closely. Very closely. There are native americans around. I am one of them. We are the Quileute Tribe. Legend claims that we descended from wolves and that the wolves are our brothers still. It's against tribal law to kill them.

Aiden: What does that mean?

Sam: Me along with everyone else you’ve meet are werewolves. Except for your parents. And aunts and uncles.

Aiden: Cool!

Sam: You’re parents are vampires. They eat animals though. So they’re okay.

Aiden: Can we meet them?

Sam: Only you.

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