Chapter Nine

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*Edward Cullen POV*

Aro was calling. I answered.

Edward: What?

Aro: The clearing at Seneca Falls tomorrow or else.

Edward: Or else what?

Aro: You don’t want to be the cause of millions of deaths right?

I stayed silent.

Aro: Exactly. Then show up. At 1.

He then hung up. I walked back to the others. Putting my arm friendly over Bella’s shoulders since the kids were there.

Edward: We have to meet the Volturi in Seneca Falls tomorrow at 1.

Emmett: And if we don’t.

Edward: Millions die.

The all looked at me except for Jacob. He stared at Camille, worried.

*Jacob Black POV*

I got up. Today I had to fight for Camille. She was mine and the Volturi wasn’t getting her. I quickly got dressed. Sam has the pack ready and Emily is staying here with my Dad. Unfortunately, Aiden and Camille are coming. Carlisle demanded they come. All because Camille has powers. I don’t give a fuck if if she has powers. She shouldn’t go. This isn’t fair! I sigh knowing I can’t change shit. A horn beeped outside. I knew it was Edward with Camille. He said he would. I jogged downstairs and out the door. They were in the volvo. I got in.

Edward: Ready?

Jacob: As much as I can be.

Edward: Listen, If things get bad I want you to run off with Camille. Embry, Leah and Seth, already agreed to go with you. Embry will have Aiden.

Jacob: So there’s an escape route for them?

Edward: Of course.

We drove to the old closed down McDonald’s, the meeting spot. A bunch of different cars were there. Five.  All looked fast.

Carlisle: LISTEN! In the first car with Sam driving is Rosalie, Jasper and Jared. Second one with Emmett driving is Aiden, Collin and Bradley. Third car with Edward driving is Bella, Jacob and Camille. Fourth one is me driving with Esme, Seth, and Leah. Last car is with Paul driving is Alice, Embry, and Quil.

He gave the drivers the keys. I picked Camille up.

Camille: Are we gonna die?

Jacob: No. I won’t ever let that happen.

Camille: Are you sure?

Jacob: Positive.

I sat in the back with Camille. We zoomed off. camille fell asleep but I stayed up the whole time. Once we got there I woke her up.

Camille: Yeah?

Jacob: Ready?

Camille: Yeah.

I picked her up. We walked slowly to the clearing. Behind everyone else.

Sam: Wolves phrase.

I sat her down and phrased. Edward put her on my back while Bella put Aiden on Embry. Walk started to walk behind the Cullens. As promised the Volturi was waiting.

Camille: Clyde?

Clyde: Foolish girl.

Aro: Now. Now. Son.

Jane: Hand over the kids.

Carlisle: Why don’t we talk?

Alec: The kids.

Emmett: No thanks.

Aro: Very well. ATTACK!

Edward: Run with the kids!

I took off. As did Embry, Seth and Leah. The Volturi brought extras. They chased after. Leah and Seth did their best to keep them away.

*Alice Cullen POV*

I walked up to the Volturi.

Aro: Where are they?

Alice: Places.

Aro: Where?

Then I kicked him up then one good side kick. The war had begun.

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