Chapter Seven

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*Camille Cullen POV*

I was sitting in the living room with Emily and Seth. We were drawing. Leah had went home earlier hadn't came back yet.

Camille: I want Jakey.

Seth: He’s still gone.

Camille: I want Jakey.

Emily: Let’s ke- Camille? Did you draw that?

Camille: Yeah. It’s Jakey!

Emily: Can I have it?

Camille: Sure!

She gave me a smile and took the picture. I got the remote and turned on the TV. Supah Ninjas was on.

Camille: Supah Ninjas!

Seth: You like that show?

Camille: Yes!

Seth: Me too!

The back door opened and Jake popped his head in. I got up and ran to him.

Camille: JAKE!

He laughed swings me on to his hip.

JAcob: I’ve missed you!

Camille: Me too! Can I go home now?

Jacob: Yeah.

He lead me to the forest running me home. Daddy took me from him and lead me to my room. I went to sleep in my street clothes. In the morning the sunshine flooded my room until I got up. I wrs where grandma had made me food.

Emse: Morning, sweets.

Camille: Morning!

Emse: I know, Jacob is going to be against this but it is time.

Camille: For?

Emse: School. Every kid your age goes to it. You will not be any different. Eat up then head to your room waiting on you.

I nodded and began to eat the pancakes and bacon she gave me. Once I finished I went y room where grandma was right. Alice was waiting.

Alice: Let’s get started.

Camille: Okay. I trust you.

Alice got me dressed and packed my backpack..

Camille: Am I eating lunch at the school?

Alice: Oh yeah!

She hands me a lunchbox with my favorites in it.

Alice: Emms and Rose are going to drop you off. Go wait in the livingroom.

I skip to the living room. They were in there.

Camille: ROSE! EMMS!

Aiden: SIS!

Camille: Aids!

Aiden was more ready I was but didn’t have a lunch box. Must be buying it. Aiden gave me a hug.

Edward:  What is going- why are they dressed.

Carlisle: School.

Bella: What? No!

Rosalie: They’ll be fine.

Edward: Why?

Emse: Education, Edward. The children need it.

Bella: Why didn’t this go through us?

Emmett: We all knew you wouldn’t allow it.

Emms picked me up and took Aiden’s hand. Leading us to a random car. Inside was a booster seat that he sat me in. Aiden ran to the other side and hoped in.

Camille: Why do I have one?

Emmett: Safety.

Camille: Okay!

He drove us to school. We got out.

Rosalie: Now. Listen to me.

Aiden: Okay.

Rosalie: Aiden. I’m gonna walk Camille to her class first. Afterschool, wait for her. Then come out here. Grandpa Char will be there.

Camille: Grandpa Char? Are you serious?

Emmett: She is. Come on now, school time!

The lead us inside. As promised we stopped at my classroom first.

Ms: Clarkson: Hello and welcome to my classroom. I’m Ms. Clarkson! What about you honey?

She was looking at me.

Camille: I’m Camille.

Ms. Clarkson: I’m gonna have you sit at the head of the red table. Can you put your bag at an empty cubby?

Camille: Sure!

I ran over there shrugging off my bag and coat. Then I run over to the table Ms. Clarkson asked me, too.

Camille: Hi, I’m Camille.

Dodger: I’m Dodger.

Camille: Is that your real name?

Dodger: No. No one will tell me. I grew up with hearing Dodger. That’s Milly,Geo and Clyde.

Clide had these dark red eyes. They creeped me out.

Camille: Nice to meet up all.

Milly: Clyde is new also. At first, I thought I was going to be the only girl here.

Camille: I’m here!

Milly: Great!

*Jacob Black POV*

I walked into the school with Embry and Seth by my side.

Bella: Jacob!

I turn around to see her and a angry Edward.

Jacob: Hey, guys. What’s wrong Edward?

Edward: My family.

Bella: Edward. They sent Camille and Aiden to school without our permission.

Jacob: What!

Bella: Calm down. We were gonna homeschool them. Just until after the Volturi.

Alice: GUYS NOW!

Emmett at vampire speed ran over to us.

Edward: What?

Emmett: Rosalie went to get Camille and Aiden. The Volturi are in town.

Bella: How?

Emmett: We don’t know but what I can tell you is that their coming.

Emmett’s phone rang. He answered. He put it on speaker.

Emmett: Rose?

Rosalie: I think the Volturi is in the school. The main office people have the cops around the place. They were talking about people with red eyes. I pretty sure it’s the Volturi. They’re trying to remove classrooms. Also, Bella’s father is here.

Edward: Can you get in?

Rosalie: No. I’ve already tried.


I looked up to see Aiden. I grabbed him and pulled him close.

Rosalie: I have Aiden. Camille still isn’t out yet.

Bella: Give Aiden the phone.

Aiden: Mom?

Bella: Hey.

Aiden: The man passed my classroom before they removed us. They were talking about a boy named Clyde. He was in Ms. Clarkson’s class!

Edward: What’s so bad about that?

Aiden: Camille is in that class, dad. What if the bad men hurt her?

Edward: They won’t.

Aiden: Okay. Wait, Auntie! Where are you going? Come back!

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