A mermaid's tail!

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3rd person POV
In the village, Matsumoto, a merchant selling some magical items was attacked by some bandits. The bandits are currently walking down the streets, striking fear in everyone that stares.

"Heh, these priceless items are now ours! Anyone who stops us from keeping these will die!" The boss bandit yells out loud for anyone who could hear.

"You'd even kill a maiden?" A girl with (h/c) wearing some clothing that she made. The girl had (e/c) and wearing a dress that ended at the knees. 'Let's get this done and over with, I hate wearing this dress!' (Y/n) thought.

"Eh? Nah! We wouldn't kill maidens, we would take 'em with us!" The gang laughs as they surround (y/n). An evil smirk came across the girl's face. When the bandits saw this, they stopped in their tracks.

"Really? And here I thought I would get to have some FUN!" (y/n) unsheathed her sword and struck at the boss. The bandit and (y/n) stand still, no one moved an inch. A loud CLANG was heard as the bag of items dropped along with the holder. (Y/n) pulls the sword out of the now dead bandit and slowly stalks closer to the others. (Y/n) came close to one of them and put her lips next to his ear, "Run." She whispered in the bandit's ear.

"Damn you maiden!! We'll come back to kill you!!" With that, the gang ran away with their tails between their legs. (Not literally)

"Heh ha! I'll be waiting!"

(Y/n)'s POV
"*sigh* Finally! Now I can go home and change into something more comfortable!" I say while putting my sword away and stretching. I grabbed the bag of items and returned them to the merchant.

"Ho, thank you miss! I'm sure glad you are here. Those fucking bandits tricked me, they asked if I could look for some other items in the back. And when I turned to face them, every item was gone!" The old merchant man explained.

"It's no trouble, I'm only doing my job." I smile putting a hand behind my head.

"And a good job you're doing! Ho! (That's how he laughs) Here, take this as a token of my thanks." The old man gives me a necklace that had an emerald gem as the center piece and four pearls on each side of the emerald.

"Thank you!" I smile wide while putting the necklace on.

"Just so you know, that necklace is magical. I suggest not touching water when wearing it." The old man then up and disappeared without a trace, even his stand was gone! But I just shook it off and started to walk back to the secret glade where Aki and Fuyu are. Before I left, I went to the grocery store to get some ingredients for dinner ideas.


"Hey guys! I'm home!" I yell out to my friends.

"Aki! (Y/n) is home!" Fuyu bellows down below deck to Aki.

"I already knew that." Aki states coming above deck. "How did it go in town?"


"You killed a bandit, didn't you?" Aki cuts me off.

"Y-yeah...BUT! I got something for protecting an old man's stalk!" I exclaimed showing them my new necklace. Aki came close the emerald gem and inspected it. Fuyu took the ingredients to the kitchen below deck.

"Well at least you got something this time." Aki backed off from looking at it.

"Yep, now if you excuse me, I'm going to go for a swim." I went below deck to my quarters and changed into a (f/c) bikini top that faded to a (s/f/c) on the bottom. Walking back up on the deck of the ship, I ran towards the plank and jumped off, making a huge splash as I hit the water.


A few seconds later...
I arrived at a place where I always go for a swim. A small waterfall that makes steam every time it hits the water's surface. I found a ledge in the water and sat there, relaxing.

"PAP! Where are you!?" A voice came out of no where. Then bubbles started to form all around me, my bottom half was completely covered. "PAP!!" The same voice yelled again. The bubbles disappeared, and instead of seeing my legs, I see a fish tail! Not just any fish tail, a mermaid's tail. The new look had my bikini top turned into clam shells and my bottoms turned into a tail, (f/c) fading into a (s/f/c).

"Pap? Is that you?!" That voice yelled out again. I looked at the direction of where the shouts were coming from and my instincts kicked in. Pulling out my sword from it's sheath and pointing it in front of me. (You always carry your sword with you BTW.)

"Who are you?! And what is your name?" I shouted at the person. The nearby bushes started to quiver and the next thing I hear is a splash near me. I look around to see what had fallen in the water, but saw nothing above the surface. With my new found power, I dove in the water and opened my eyes. Everything was crystal clear, with a light shade of blue. I continued looking for the thing that fell and saw, a skeleton wearing a pirate captain's uniform.

I grabbed the skeleton and pulled him above the water. I decided to take him to my house just to make sure he is okay. I got a closer look and noticed some open wounds.

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