Aye Captain!

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Ocean's POV
I was looking for my brother, Pap, when I ran into a band of thieves. (This is before he fell into the water BTW.) I could tell that they were in a fight, but didn't get a reward.

"Who are you?" One of them spoke. I look at the one who talked and the others started to surrounding me.

"I'm just looking for my brother." I started to get in my battle stance and I pulled my hat down a bit so the thieves couldn't see that I'm a skeleton. "Look, I don't want to give you guys a bad time, so let me pass through."

"Hahahaha!" All five of them laugh. I'm starting to get pissed. They continue to laugh, as they were laughing, I put my hat back up to it's original angle. My left eye starts to glow a navy blue and bones surround the thieves. The one that talked earlier stopped laughing first, then was followed by the others one by one.

"What the hell is going on?!"

"I told you to let me pass through, or you're going to have a bad time." I look at them, clearly freaked out. All they did was stand there. I started to walk towards the thief in front of me and whispered in his ear, "Run..."

"Eh, y-you're j-just like that wretched maiden!!" With that they ran away.

I put my magic away and start to walk towards the sound of a waterfall. I got to an edge covered by the bushes, looking through the bushes I saw a girl swimming. Without me realizing it, one of the thieves was behind me and pushed me over the cliff. I hit the water really hard and maybe cracked my bones a bit. I opened my eyes one last time before getting consumed in the darkness.

~Time skip~

"Fuyu! Get the first aid kit!"

"Where did you find him, (Y/n)?"

"He fell into the water where I was."

My eyes flutter open as I gained conscious. I heard voices and felt that I was on a bed. My eyes opened fully and I saw a kid with (h/c), a woman with charcoal colored hair, and another woman with snow white hair running towards the kid and giving her a box that had a red cross on the top.

"Look (y/n)! He's waking up!" The white haired girl exclaimed. "Hi mister, my name is Fuyu!" She exclaimed while looking and hovering above me. Geeze, close much? I try to sit up only to be pushed back down.

"Hey!" I yelled as I looked at who pushed me back down.

"You are not going anywhere with those wounds all over your body." The (h/c) haired girl said sitting on top of me. I felt embarrassed, being taken down by a girl. "Well, while you're here, you might as well get to know our names. My name is (y/n)." (Y/n) said cleaning up my cracks in my arms and putting wrap on as well.

"My name is Aki." The charcoal haired girl spoke giving (y/n) an ice pack.

"How did he get all these cracks?" Fuyu asked helping (y/n) place the ice pack on my head and wrapping it.

"He fell into the water off of a cliff, I saw one of those thieves from earlier push him." (Y/n) explained while adding the finishing touches. She got off of me and helped me to my feet.

"You know those thieves?" I asked trying to hold back the pain.

"I actually killed their leader." (Y/n) walked up to the deck and waved her hand telling me to follow.

"So, YOU'RE the maiden that they were talking about?!" I asked surprised and in disbelief. I got up on the deck, Aki and Fuyu following behind.

"Yep! (Y/n) is the one that protects the village Matsumoto!" Fuyu exclaimed.

"Heh, it's not an easy job, I'll tell you that. Anyway, since your wounds have to heal, you are going to stay with us for a while. Until you are fully healed, this is where you'll be staying." (Y/n) pointed to another room next to the captain's quarters. We all go in and see that it is bigger on the inside rather on the outside. "You can get settled in while I go and make some dinner, okay? Then afterwards, I'll show you around."

*A bell starts to ring.*

"Oh hey! You're back!" (Y/n) excited to see someone. (Btw, the bell is to notify when someone new is aboard.)

"YES! AND I CAME HERE FOR SOME HELP. IT SEEMS THAT I HAVE LOST SOMETHING, CAN YOU HELP ME FIND IT?" The person yelled in a loud tone. A tone that I recognize.

I bet you guys can guess who the person is! :p

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